@ARTICLE{Walocha_Andrzej_Arthrofibrosis_2022, author={Walocha, Andrzej and Rutowicz, Bartosz and Przybycień, Wojciech and Zarzecki, Michał and Kłosiński, Michał and Depukat, Paweł and Solewski, Bernard and Mizia, Ewa and Gil, Anna and Walocha, Ewa}, volume={Vol. 62}, number={No 1}, journal={Folia Medica Cracoviensia}, pages={55-70}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Krakowie; Uniwersytet Jagielloński – Collegium Medicum}, abstract={Authors, mostly specialists on rehabilitation and orthopedic surgery prove that arthrofibrosis is a commonly overlooked phenomenon, which may lead to serious limitation in the range of movement, leading to limitation in patients quality of functioning. The main goal of this article is to emphasize the importance of understanding a such complex condition. Non typical patomechanism, lack of biomarkers dedicated to this dysfunction and general lack of under-standing in this pathology causes that risk factors and the most effective strategies remain vastly unknown. Pathophysiology of the arthrofibrosis in the joints is definitely multifactorial, but intense production of collagen seems to be the main factor. Most modern pharmacological methods concentrate on the regula-tion of collagen fiber production and reducing the inflammation. Inflammation from joint contractures stimulates the proliferation of activated cells that results in the production of extracellular matrix macromolecules to form fibrotic tissue that is deposited into the capsule, thereby resulting in fibrosis. Lack of unified classification scale is caused by relatively high variation of the functions fulfilled by particular joints and each treatment plan should be constructed individually. Quality of surgical treatment and physical therapy play a major role in both prevention and treatment of such complex condition as arthrofibrosis. Both iatrogenic mistakes and overly aggressive manual therapy are some of main factors increasing the risk of this pathological condition. Introducing properly conducted physical therapy treatment in the early stage is crucial to main the range of movement and preventing this significant problem.}, type={Article}, title={Arthrofibrosis — a myth or true joint disorder?}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/124805/PDF-MASTER/2022-01-FMC-05-Walocha.pdf}, doi={10.24425/fmc.2022.141691}, keywords={arthrofibrosis, knee joint, trauma, rehabilitation, physical therapy, range of motion}, }