@ARTICLE{Witkowski_Andrzej_Experimental_2006, author={Witkowski, Andrzej and Majkut, Mirosław}, volume={vol. 53}, number={No 1}, journal={Archive of Mechanical Engineering}, pages={23-48}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building}, abstract={The two dimensional steady and unsteady flow field at midspan in a low speed axial flow compressor stage has been investigated experimentally, using two systems, based on totally different principles: a 2-sensor fast response straight and 90° triple split fiber probes (TSFP) and two dimensional LOA system with an emphasis on the interaction of the inlet guide vane (IGY) wake with the rotor flow field. To account for the uniformity of the rotor absolute inlet flow field, measurements has been made at eight tangential locations in the absolute frame equally spaced over one IGY pitch. The time resolved investigation, done by TSFP and LOA allows to presenting velocity fields, flow angles and turbulence data at different [GY-rotor positions during one blade passing period. The velocity measurements are decomposed into a time averaged velocity, a periodic velocity component and a unresolved velocity component. Using two measurement systems, one being intrusive and the other non-intrusive, in the same complex flow field, gives the opportunity for a critical comparison of results and opens the view for further improvements. Averaging these results, enabled also comparison with the pneumatic five-hole probe measurement.}, title={Experimental investigation of inlet guide vane-rotor interaction in a low speed axial flow compressor stage}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/124954/PDF-MASTER/4_MECHANICAL_53_2006_1_Witkowski_Experimental.pdf}, keywords={axial compressor slllge, unsteady flow}, }