@ARTICLE{Grabowski_Dariusz_New_2023, author={Grabowski, Dariusz and Klimas, Maciej}, volume={vol. 72}, number={No 1}, journal={Archives of Electrical Engineering}, pages={157-172}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This paper presents new directions in the modeling of electric arc furnaces. This work is devoted to an overview of new approaches based on random differential equations, artificial neural networks, chaos theory, and fractional calculus. The foundation of proposed solutions consists of an instantaneous power balance equation related to the electric arc phenomenon. The emphasis is mostly placed on the conclusions that come from a novel interpretation of the equation coefficients.}, type={Article}, title={New directions in electric arc furnace modeling}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/126772/PDF/art09_int.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aee.2023.143695}, keywords={artificial neural networks, chaos theory, electric arc furnace, fractional calculus, power balance, stochastic processes}, }