@ARTICLE{Kulesza_Wojciech_Mimicry_2023, author={Kulesza, Wojciech and Muniak, Paweł and Czekiel, Martyna and Bedyńska, Sylwia and Cisłak, Aleksandra}, volume={vol. 54}, number={No 1}, journal={Polish Psychological Bulletin}, pages={48-51}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Committee for Psychological Science PAS}, abstract={Mimicry has been proven to be responsible for many social consequences linked to social bonding: improved trust, liking, and rapport. This accumulating empirical evidence has mostly been based on experimental designs focused on comparisons between two conditions: an experimental condition involving mimicking behavior versus a control condition in which any movement or direct verbal reaction is withdrawn. Thus, it is unclear whether the observed differences stem from a potential increase in liking, trust, or rapport in the mimicry condition or a decrease thereof when naturally occurring gestures are not present during the interaction. To address this potential confound, we included an additional control condition involving responsiveness (but not mimicry) aimed at increasing both internal and external validity. We found significant differences between the mimicry condition and both control conditions, thereby lending support to the original mimicry-as-a-social-glue hypothesis.}, type={Article}, title={Mimicry or Responsiveness? Verifying the Mimicry-as-a-Social-Glue Hypothesis}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/127821/PDF-MASTER/2023-01-PPB-05.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ppb.2023.144882}, keywords={behavioral mimicry, responsiveness, chameleon effect, liking, facial expressions of emotions}, }