@ARTICLE{Potyrańska_Agnieszka_The_2023, author={Potyrańska, Agnieszka}, volume={vol. LXXII}, number={No 2}, pages={241-253}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={This article presents an analysis of the Polish translation of the first poem from the series of six poems Звезда Маир (1898) by Fiodor Sologub and here in the translation by Witold Dąbrowski, Gwiazda Mair. Our task is to analyze the translation and trace to what extent the translator reflected the specificity of the lyrical situation presented in the original, and to what extent its image in the translation has changed. In addition, the focus was on translating the author’s proper names, reflecting Sologub’s creation of paradise, in order to show how specific translation activities affect the recipient’s perception of the lyrical situation shown in the poem. The rhythmic organization of the poem and the arrangement of rhymes in the original and in translation were also examined. It was shown to what extent the translators managed to reflect the hidden meanings and meaning‐creating symbols, so important for this Russian symbolist.}, type={Artykuł}, title={The Poem Звезда Маир by Fyodor Sologub in Translation by Witold Dąbrowski}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/128419/PDF/2023-02-SOR-02.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2023.146390}, keywords={the Silver Age, symbol, Sologub, translation, poetry}, }