@ARTICLE{Gozdek_Agnieszka_Lydia_2023, author={Gozdek, Agnieszka}, volume={vol. LXXII}, number={No 3}, pages={467-483}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The author’s aim is to analyze the letters of Lydia Zinovieva‑Annibal to Vyacheslav Ivanov for the years 1894‑1899. Not only was their relative‑communicative aspect interpreted, but chiefly the reflection contained in it, concerning literature (poetry), music, creating works of art, the condition and role of an artist etc. It was demonstrated, by joining the author in her general reflections on life, that she constituted a voice in the dialogue with Vyacheslav Ivanov – the poet, literary theorist and philosopher. The conducted analysis also proves that the writer’s views, as reflected in her letters, are inscribed in the aesthetics of symbolism and the philosophical‑literary tradition contained in it (Plato, Nietzsche).}, type={Artykuł}, title={Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal: Reflecting on Art and Love (On the Basis of Letters to Vyacheslav Ivanov of the Period from 1894 to 1899)}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/129490/PDF-MASTER/2023-02-SOR-03.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2023.147514}, keywords={Lydia Zinovieva‑Annibal, Vyacheslav Ivanov, letter, symbolist aesthetics, love, creating artistic works}, }