@ARTICLE{Frączek_Szymon_Selection_2024, author={Frączek, Szymon and Klaszczyk, Wiktor and Stacherski, Adam and Łęk, Adam and Żołądek, Maciej}, volume={vol. 27}, number={No 2}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={47-70}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={The presented study describes the research carried out on the selection of cells for the “Perła” solar car. The study aimed to select optimal cells in terms of car efficiency and related costs. In particular, we focused on an innovative approach, utilizing pouch-type cells. The research included cell discharge tests and an analysis of the results obtained from the numerical model. During the discharge tests, the cells were subjected to a constant current value to measure their efficiency and capacity. Based on the collected data, a numerical model was developed that included battery prices and car performance depending on the type of cell. Particular attention was paid to the cost-performance analysis. The research presented in the article provides valuable information for electric car battery system designers, helping them to make informed decisions regarding the selection of cells. The article is an important contribution to the development of solar car technology and can contribute to improving their efficiency and competitiveness in the market. The analysis results showed that different types of cells significantly impacted both the cost and performance of a solar car. It was found that battery price and performance varied depending on the cell type. Batteries utilizing pouch-type cells had an impressive 82% cost reduction, providing substantial savings for potential users. Additionally, these batteries had the potential to achieve a 2% greater range than batteries using commonly used 18650 cells, which are widely used in the automotive industry. The novelty lies in the presentation that introducing pouch-type cells as an innovative element of the battery system can improve efficiency and competitiveness in the market.}, type={Article}, title={Selection of cells and analysis of the energy storage system for a solar car}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/131764/03-PE-27-2-03%20-%20FR%C4%84CZEK%20i%20inni.pdf}, keywords={solar cells, solar car, energy efficiency, discharge tests, energy storage}, }