@ARTICLE{Żerkowska-Balas_Marta_How_2024, author={Żerkowska-Balas, Marta and Wenzel, Michał}, number={No 2(82) Youth}, journal={ACADEMIA. The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, pages={68-71}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={The “Youth Vote+” program aimed to empower young people with skills and knowledge, equipping them to actively participate in civic life.}, type={article}, title={How To Engage Young Citizens?}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132076/68-70_Zerkowska-Balas_EN.pdf}, doi={10.24425/academiaPAS.2024.151193}, keywords={civil society, youth}, }