@ARTICLE{Dąbrowska_Sylwia_Capture_2024, author={Dąbrowska, Sylwia and Gałka, Marcin and Kubrak, Elżbieta and Kubrak, Janusz and Kalenik, Marek and Kiczko, Adam}, volume={50}, number={3}, pages={18-25}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This pilot study investigated the amounts of plastic litter captured by water structures. It is based on hydraulic experiments using flume models of the sluice gate and trash racks. Plastic elements of different shapes and sizes were introduced to the flume upstream of the water device. The study measured the number of plastic elements captured by the device. The outcomes of the study suggest that for each device, it should be possible to determine the size of elements beyond which they can capture plastic elements in substantial quantities. The findings should be helpful in designing future experiments on the capture of plastic elements by water structures}, type={Article}, title={Capture of plastic litter by sluice gate and trash racks}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132456/PDF/Archives50no3pp18_25.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aep.2024.151682}, keywords={plastic litter;, trash racks;, sluice gate;, capture of plastic litter;, flume experiment;}, }