@ARTICLE{Nieć_Marek_Geo-economic_2003, author={Nieć, Marek}, number={No 2}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, pages={5-28}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={During the period from 1960 to 1990 yr, as a result ofsystematic geological prospecting and exploration, the huge vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits were discovered and evaluated. The set ofcriteria (balance criteria), introduced in 1974 yr. were used for deposit delineation and resources calculation. The deposits are located at 800--2300 mdepth, has 1.34 billion t resources of ore with average 28% Fe, 7% TiO2 and 0,3% V2Os content. The proposal and design of mine construction had caused strong opposition because of environment protection in Suwałki - Augustow Lake District where the deposits are located. The deposits were discovered in time of increasing demand for vanadium, titanium and iron, the both on international market and in Poland for expanding metallurgy. It promoted exploration and optimistic opinion on deposit value. In the same time however has increased exigencies for iron ore quality and vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits located close to the surface in South Africa has become the main vanadium supplier to the market. It make necessary to revise the preliminary optimistic deposit evaluations. Titanomagnetite ores are seldom interesting as a source of titanium and iron because of composed technology of their enrichment and metallurgical processing and vague profitability of their extraction. The vanadium is the main valuable component of the ore. The forecasted costs of mining and ore processing and forecasted prices of V2Os, ilmenite and magnetite concentrate allow to calculate the cut off equivalent V2Os content which should be used for deposit delineation. It is 0.73% V2O5. Only 1% of previously indicated ore reserves fulfill that requirement. Comparative analysis of Suwałki deposits with other vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits recentlymined allow to demonstrate that small amount ofresources which could be supposed economic, located at great depth, make the deposit not interesting for mining as well at present as in the anticipated future. The environment protection is therefore not threatened. The deposits are interesting geological phenomena without practical value at present.}, type={Article}, title={Geo-economic evaluation of vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits in Suwałki massif in Poland}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132480/PDF/3_GSM_19_2_2003_Niec_Ocena.pdf}, keywords={vanadium, titanomagnetite deposits, Suwałki massif}, }