@ARTICLE{Sapińska-Śliwa_Aneta_Investigation_2024, author={Sapińska-Śliwa, Aneta and Korzec, Michał}, volume={vol. 40}, number={No 3}, pages={207-224}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={Demulsifiers are widely used to increase the separation between oil and water. The more common ones contain hazardous ingredients (aromatic solvents, non-biodegradable active components), which can negatively affect human health (especially the respiratory system) and the environment. The presented study evaluates the feasibility of implementing a non-toxic, highly biodegradable, and environmentally friendly demulsifier in oil mines in the Paris Oil Basin (France). The standard commercial demulsifiers were tested together with four other, non-toxic and biodegradable ones. This investigation employed the bottle test of demulsifiers, which contained grind-out tests using the centrifuge. The test determined the residual water content in separated water. Four types of oil were used for this test, plus a fifth sample, which contained a mix of oil from the four wells, based on the ratio that existed in the installation. The investigations took place at four oil mines in Paris Basin, France. The tests proved that, for all oil types, a novel, highly biodegradable, oil-soluble demulsifier containing polyimine derivative and EO/PO block copolymer (RSN = 10) in a non-toxic solvent, could be used to treat oil during the exploitation process in the reservoir. This provided the best separation properties of all tested samples and the lowest water content in the oil. This solution can potentially mitigate numerous logistical, storage, and environmental issues while enhancing job-related safety aspects. Our proposed approach provides a greener method that could be implemented in the industry field.}, title={Investigation of non-toxic demulsifiers and comparison to standard equivalents in the Paris Basin (France) oil mines}, type={Article}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132544/Sapinska-Sliwa-Korzec.pdf}, doi={10.24425/gsm.2024.151524}, keywords={demulsifier, crude oil, Paris Basin, non-toxic, green solutions}, }