@ARTICLE{Pawlikowski_Maciej_Mineralogical_2000, author={Pawlikowski, Maciej and Mazurek, Janusz}, number={No 1}, pages={57-74}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={Mineralogical and geochemical investigation ofslag obtained dumg themelting ofZn-Pb ores ofBolesław Arca (South Poland) were performed. Additionally bottomsediments form chanel transporting rests afterprocess offlotationwere tested. Investigations were conducted with the use ofpolarizing light microscopy, SEM, AAS and ICP methods. Samples of slag were collected at five various points of slag heap localized near ofBolesław (Fig. I). Microscopic observations conducted at polarized light showed the dolomite as the major components of samples. Relicts of Zn-Pb ores arc disscmiantcd between crystals of dolomite. Other materials present in samples are: calcite, sfalerite, wurcitc, galenit, anglczitc, markasite, pirite, melibkovite, manganite, pirolusitc and iron oxides. Obtained datas showed the material present on heap conatin relatively high admixture of heavy elements. This phenomenon suggest that process of remake did not remove all elements polluting environment of area ofBukowno. Investigations of sediments collected in channel transporting rests after process of flotation were performed in selected fractions i.e. 0.063-0.020 mm and< 0.020 mm. The amount of following elements was determined: Al, Mn, K, Na, Cu, P, Ti, Sr, Ba, Cr, Ni, Mo, V, Ag, Co, La, Li, Be. Results of analyses are collected in tables and showed on diagrams. Obtained datas document fractional sedimentation of tested elements. Near of the centre ofpollution are deposited mainly substances containing Zn and Fe. Minerals containing V are deposited at slightly longer distance. The amount of all tested heavy clements decrease with the distance from the center of pollution. This phenomenon is the result of dilutation ofsediments containing heavy metals by natural sediments transported into the channel fromsourounding area.}, title={Mineralogical and geochemical phenomenous in slag heap ofZn-Pb mine Bukowno and surroundings}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132768/PDF/6_GSM_16_1_2000_Pawlikowski_Zjawiska.pdf}, keywords={environment, pollution, heap slag, Zn-Pb ores}, }