@ARTICLE{Adamczyk_Andrzej_F._The_2000, author={Adamczyk, Andrzej F. and Haładus, Andrzej and Szczepański, Andrzej and Zdechlik, Robert}, number={No 1}, pages={75-91}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={The design of the multivariant Final Target system of dcwatcring the mine Saturn, guaranteeing the safety of neighbouring mines, was realized during the initial stage of implementation of an earlier target project undertaken by the University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow. The design puts forward the method of target dewatering the mines: Saturn, Siemianowice with ZG Rozalia, Jowisz with ZG Wojkowice, Grodziec, Paryż, Sosnowiec, Porąbka- Klimontów and Kazimierz-Juliusz. Placing one of the mines under liquidation resulted in the need to verify the accepted assumptions and allowed the simplification of the system ofmine dewatering at Saturn and its neighbouring mines. In order to develop the variants of the target dewatering system, it was necessary to take into consideration a range of technical and environmental factors. The magnitudes of the many year, long term inflows to cach respective mine as well as the state oftheir dcwatcring systems was re-analyzed. Subsequently, the existing direct and indirect connections between the different mines was analyzed. The above factors to a large degree determine the proposed variants oftarget system of dewatering. For the prognostic inflow calculations, a mathematical model realized during the target project was utilized while introducing significant changes resulting from the necessary consideration of the liquidation of dcwatering at mine Grodziec. To determine the most favourable variant, initial simulation calculations for IO possible solutions were performed. After precise analysis the results of 3 variants were characterized in particular detail as being the most favourable. Initial calculations of times of onset ofmine flooding were also performed. The most favourable solution of target pumping ofwater forming the so called subsystem of Saturn is variant 3; according to which the main water intake point (an amount of35 m3/min) will be in the region ofPiaski -mine Saturn pos. 21 Om (+69.0 m above sea level). The fundamental advantage of the proposed dewatering method is the possibility of controlling the reconstruction of the groundwater level during the course of further decisions as regards to the liquidation of and or changes to the operating conditions in the operational coal mines. At the same time a decrease in the amount ofwater originating from the regional dewatering ofmines (which pumped into surface courses) will occur.}, title={The Final Target model of the dewatering of mine Saturn and neighbouring mines under conditions of their liquidation}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132769/PDF/7_GSM_16_1_2000_Adamczyk_Docelowy.pdf}, keywords={mine dewatering, water cndangernrnent}, }