@ARTICLE{Tobiasz_Lesław_Rolle_2000, author={Tobiasz, Lesław}, volume={vol. 21}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={125-130}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={In this article the important role of the mother tongue in the process of learning of German words is discussed. Though it is possible to learn a foreign language without the mother tongue still the teacher and a learner should take into consideration that it only seems so. The learners always search for their equivalents in the mother tongue by the build-up of lexical structures in German and demand both interlingual and cxtralingual and cultural comparisons. This searching process fades out by the time the so called coordinate bilingualism is achieved. Furthermore the author argues that the full abandonment of the mother tongue in the phase of the scmantizarion and intcriorisation of German lexical items leads often to misunderstandings, discourages the learners and makes it impossible to use in an adequate degree their ability to the cognitive thinking. Therefore the moderate dosage of the mother tongue can be helpful in the process leading to the coordinate bilingualism and not as a obstacle to it.}, type={Article}, title={Rolle der Muttersprache im Semantisierungsproze/3 der deutschen Worter}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132906/PDF-MASTER/13_SILESIANA_21_Tobiasz_ROLLE.pdf}, }