@ARTICLE{Pabich-Palędzka_Oktawia_English_2000, author={Pabich-Palędzka, Oktawia}, volume={vol. 21}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={131-139}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={The article presents a brief outline of English negation. Apart form negative forms occurring with auxiliary, the notions of multiple and implied negation arc introduced. Because of the Polish counterpart nie- of English negative affixes, a chapter has also been devoted to English morphological negation. The author used the outline as theoretical background to her experiment with English negation spoken by Polish learners of English. The research proves English negation, especially multiple and implied to be unclear and difficult area of learning for the Poles. The grammatical rules concerning syntactic negation arc introduced and stressed at beginners' level, and these seem to be the only ones properly understood, memorised and applied without hesitation. The experiment and the conclusions hint at solution for English speaking Poles and their teachers as far as the process of teaching - learning negation is concerned.}, type={article}, title={English negation: its types, difficulty areas for Polish students and suggestions for teachers}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132907/PDF-MASTER/14_SILESIANA_21_Pabich_Paledzka_ENGLISH.pdf}, }