@ARTICLE{Tobiasz_Lesław_Erklarung_2000, author={Tobiasz, Lesław}, volume={vol. 21}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={147-155}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={In this article the problems of the scrnantization of German words in reference to already known words in German or Polish arc discussed. In this learning-technique four relations come into consideration: synonymy, antonymy, derivation and similarity lo Polish words. The aquisition of the word-meaning through synonymy is the most problematical one, bccuasc it is hardly possible to find two words with identical meaning in German that would be used in identical semantical contexts. In the case of antonyms it is easier to find words with the precisely opposite meaning. Nevertheless the teachers and learners should take into consideration that there arc many words referring with their antonyms to complicated relations in the extralingual reality that can't be reflected by a real antonymy-rclation (c.c. kall and its potentially possible antomys arc such as warm und hei\}J). The use of the derivation in German classes emphasizes a cognitive clement in the learning process, but it is only then successful when it is preceded by the scmantization of components of compound words and derivatives and a gradual and constant introduction of derivation-patterns according to their productivncss and transparency. All of the above-mentioned scmantizationtechniques, including the most transparent one - similarity to Polish words, arc not fully reliable and can lead to a false understanding and often even to a misunderstanding of German words. Therefore they should be introduced in coherent and genuine contexts with help of extra- and interlingual comparisons and an adequate dosage of the mother-tongue.}, type={Article}, title={Erklarung durch den Hinweis auf einzelne bekannte Worter ais Semantisierungstechnik im Daf-Unterricht}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132909/PDF/16_SILESIANA_21_Tobiasz_ERKLARUNG.pdf}, }