@ARTICLE{Pskit_Wiktor_The_2002, author={Pskit, Wiktor}, volume={vol. 23}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={95-102}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={This paper rs concerned with the classification of word classes in English. The subject of investigation arc both the division of lexical items into categories and the criteria applied for the taxonomy. Moreover, some terminological problems arc taken into consideration. The evolution of the approach to these aspects of word-class taxonomy is analysed on the basis of Jcspcrsen's traditional grammar (I 948, 1958) and descriptive academic handbooks of English grammar by Quirk et al. ( 1972, 1985). Apart from a number of changes in the classification of parts of speech and terminology, there can be observed a significant shift from semantic/notional to syntactic/formal properties as criteria for determining wordclass membership. The two diverging stances on the criteria for the division of word classes arc reflected in two dominating modern approaches, i.c. generative and cognitive grammar, with the former employing syntactic and the latter semantic features.}, type={Article}, title={The classification of English word classes: Jespersen and descriptive academic grammar}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132941/PDF/11_SILESIANA_23_Pskit_CLASSIFICATION.pdf}, }