@ARTICLE{Tobiasz_Lesław_Kontrolle_2002, author={Tobiasz, Lesław}, volume={vol. 23}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={167-174}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={This aniele analyses the correct recall of word meanings in German as a foreign language. The recall can proceed by means of textautonomous and textbased exercises. To the rextautonornous ones belong such checking techniques as retrieval of the word meaning with the help of synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, word fields etc. Among the rextbased exercises there are two crucial types of them: text reconstruction and text construction. The textautonomous recall techniques enable possible relatively precise testing of the understanding of the lexical word meaning, but they do not check the competence in the use of the actual word meaning, which is always realised only in the logical structure of spoken and written texts. Therefore the textbased exercises, especially the text construction are the best methods checking contextually correct recall of the foreign language lexical items. Moreover. such recall techniques engage the rnulri modal memory-processes very intensively and lead consequently not only to precise remembering of the actual word meaning, but also to a better internalization of not directly recalled words.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Kontrolle des korrekten Abrufens der lexikalischen Strukturenim DaF-Unterricht. Versuch einer kritischen Analyse}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132990/PDF-MASTER/18_SILESIANA_23_Tobiasz_KONTROLLE.pdf}, }