@ARTICLE{Miotk_SVD_Andrzej_Joseph_2024, author={Miotk SVD, Andrzej}, number={Tom 19}, pages={149-187}, journal={Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polskia Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk Teologicznych}, abstract={The study aims to trace the overall development of the missionary thought of Joseph Ratzinger as a theologian – and as Cardinal Frings’ peritus at the Second Vatican Coun-cil – , as the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and as Pope Benedict XVI. The core of this study defines in three steps the biographical context of his participation in, and theological contribution he made to, the final text of the Decree on Mission Activity Ad gentes. His work in the redactional Sub‑commission on Mission under the skillful guidance of Superior General Fr. Johann Schütte, SVD, re-sulted in the successful drafting of Ad gentes. During the penultimate day of the Ecu-menical Council, the Mission Decree received the most votes of approval of all the sixteen Council documents. Next to Yves Congar, Ratzinger was the most significant contributor to the mission theology of the Decree. This study analyzes his theological contribution and does so in the context of the crisis of the missionary idea caused by a profound change of consciousness – arising from the spirit of modernity. Finally, the last part of the study focuses on the post‑conciliar reception of Ad gentes, and further theological considerations on mission by Ratzinger as Prefect and as Pope. He writes against the background of the increasing secularization of Europe, the boom of the Liberation Theology in Latin America, and the growing importance of interreligious dialogue in Asia. In essence, Joseph Ratzinger reaffirms the theological line of Ad gentes while developing new aspects of that theology, e.g., the Christological, and eschatological dimensions of the theology of mission.}, type={Article}, title={Joseph Ratzinger’s contribution to the council decree ad gentes and its reception in his theology}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/133522/PDF-MASTER/2024-SNT-09.pdf}, doi={10.24425/snt.2024.150503}, keywords={Joseph Ratzinger, Sub‑commission on Missions, Johann Schütte, Ad gentes, Considerationes, Reception of Ad gentes}, }