@ARTICLE{Solska_Ewa_History_2024, author={Solska, Ewa}, number={tom 54}, journal={Historyka Studia Metodologiczne}, pages={61–81}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział PAN w Krakowie}, publisher={Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego}, abstract={The paper is an attempt at metasearch reflection on the current discursive positioning of disciplinary history in relation to methodological issues focused on its scientific status in confrontation with historical Pyrrhonism. This attempt is developed in the following threads: tropes of the crisis discourse and tropes of the modernisation discourse – towards (the concept of) research and learning history from the perspective of consilience and the methodological expansionism of the contemporary humanities. The question arises as to whether disciplinary history has a distinguished scientific status, and therefore an important cognitive and axiological function among other areas of historical research, or whether it is rather an instrument of power that manages symbolic violence. Current revisionist discourses in the areas of anthropology, sociology, cultural studies and memory studies follow this path, and methodologists are concerned with the question of their consequences for the discipline of history. One of them is that contemporary Pyrrhonism focuses on questioning the cognitive and axiological value of European (Western) history in the face of the "history‑resistant pasts" discourses within the framework of the postcolonial criticism and the indigenous turn. Hence the contextual reference to the narrative of historical Pyrrhonism from the 1970s, including the retreat from national‑centric historiography (in the model of neo‑historicism), the entry of other disciplines into the field of historical research, and the displacement of disciplinary history from its centre. Currently, this should be considered in relation to the postulate of the sovereignty of the discipline of history, and, on the other hand, the phenomenon of post‑disciplinary transgression in humanities towards a multi‑, inter‑ and transdisciplinary model in new orientations and research programs. In connection with this, the ultimate goal of the considerations here is to defend the conciliatory perspective in multidisciplinary historical research and the concept of its multilateral presence.}, title={History – the scientific discipline in crisis discourse}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/133947/2024-HSRK-PDF-06.pdf}, keywords={crisis discourse, modernisation discourse, disciplinary history, research and learning history, multilateral presence, consiliatory perspective}, }