@ARTICLE{Julkowska_Violetta_Jerzy_2024, author={Julkowska, Violetta}, number={tom 54}, journal={Historyka Studia Metodologiczne}, pages={131–144}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział PAN w Krakowie}, publisher={Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego}, abstract={The starting point of article is a little‑known text by Jerzy Topolski, devoted to the transmission of historical knowledge in school education, inspired by reading Umberto Eco's book Lector in fabula. Topolski’s text presents the problem of the persuasive narrative pressure occurring in the teaching of history at school. The author presents Topolski's position, which postulates conscious consideration of the effects of the triple interpretation that takes place during the transfer of historical knowledge in school textbooks, and shows how Topolski's idea of educating students as critical readers takes place in contemporary teaching practice. The article puts forward a thesis about the anticipatory nature of Topolski's text, which in the mid‑1990s proposed a model of historical education that was ahead of its time, but possible to implement in Poland today, thanks to the change in the approach to historical education and the creation of a series of history textbooks, preferring education based on competence of historical thinking and creating a textbook narrative open to interpretation.}, title={Jerzy Topolski’s model transmission of historical knowledge in education and the contemporary challenges of critical didactics of history}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/133951/2024-HSRK-PDF-10.pdf}, keywords={meta‑interpretation, transmission of historical knowledge in education, school historical narrative, critical reader, open image of the past}, }