@ARTICLE{Kobielska_Maria_An_2024, author={Kobielska, Maria}, number={tom 54}, journal={Historyka Studia Metodologiczne}, pages={395-419}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział PAN w Krakowie}, publisher={Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego}, abstract={This article is a presentation of the results of research on the history and mechanisms of the Polish museum boom in which I focus on seeking the critical and opening potential of new Polish historical museums in the context of minority memories. In this vein, I conduct a case study of the Upper Silesian Jews’ House of Remembrance, a branch of the Gliwice Museum that opened to the public in 2018 and elaborates on themes that are doubly excluded within Polish memory culture: German‑Jewish history. I take into account the museum’s spatial context (the Jewish cemetery), building (a restored pre‑burial house from the early 20th century), the permanent exhibition itself, and, additionally, my autoethnography as a researcher of Polish historical museums, and a Gliwice native, placing the analysis in the context of the theory of the implicated subject (Rothberg) and the community of implication (Lehrer) – directly and, most importantly, indirectly implicated in a history in injustice, oppression, and violence. Finally, I propose a term of “a museum of implication”, the infrastructure of difficult memory that would open up new possibilities for problematizing present relations with the past.}, title={An implicated museum, a museum of implication? Upper Silesian Jews’ House Of Remembrance in Gliwice in the context of the Polish Museum boom}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/133966/2024-HSRK-PDF-25.pdf}, keywords={historical museums, Polish memory culture, implication, Upper Silesia, museumof implication}, }