@ARTICLE{Czyba_Roman_Multifunctional_Early, author={Czyba, Roman and Domin, Jarosław and Górski, Marcin}, pages={e153434}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={Early Access}, abstract={Drones have become common devices that are increasingly used, from toy mini-drones to very advanced autonomous flying platforms used in various industries. The safety of using engineering structures and the need to shorten the time of carrying out diagnostic activities, and thus reduce costs, force the use of innovative tools to carry out an automated and unmanned process of assessing the technical condition of existing engineering structures, especially large-size ones, including bridges strengthened with external FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer) composite overlays. There are conventional methods for assessing the technical condition of existing building structures carried out by inspectors and experts, involving the use of typical inspection and diagnostic tools. During the research, it was found that it is possible to carry out an automated and unmanned process of assessing the technical condition of engineering structures using an unmanned flying platform equipped with a thermal imaging diagnostic device. The uniqueness of the presented solution is that the drone is equipped with a docking module that allows the drone to be temporarily attached to the structure being diagnosed for the duration of diagnostic activities. To ensure appropriate conditions for structural diagnostics, a unique system of automated diagnostic process and a multi-stage structure of the control system in all phases of operation were developed. The article presents a solution for the control system based on control consistent with the reference model. In particular, the focus was on the difficult and dangerous issue of altitude control during the docking phase. Simulation tests carried out in the Matlab/Simulink environment, as well as laboratory and field tests on a real drone, proved the correctness of the proposed solutions, which enabled the undisturbed operation of the diagnostic module.}, title={Multifunctional control system to enhance the operational capability of the unmanned multirotor platform dedicated to the diagnostics of building structures}, type={Article}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/133980/PDF-MASTER/BPASTS-04175-EA.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2025.153434}, keywords={UAV diagnostic platform, automatic control system, drone base stations, structural health monitoring}, }