@ARTICLE{Mydlikowski_Remigiusz_Apparatus_Early, author={Mydlikowski, Remigiusz and Maniak, Krzysztof and Grosman-Dziewiszek, Patrycja and Wiatrak, Benita and Bieńkowski, Paweł and Gębarowski, Tomasz}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, pages={e153429}, howpublished={online}, year={Early Access}, abstract={This paper presents the design of a laboratory stand that allows the study of the effects of exposure of magnetic induction of extremely low frequency on cultures of cancer cell lines. The designed laboratory bench, is adapted to operate in the frequency range up to 300 Hz and the maximum settable magnetic induction of 2.5 mT. Tests are carried out on cellular test plates of 24, 48 or 96 wells where it is possible to evaluate the combined effect of magnetic field and cisplatin on cancer cells. Tests were conducted to determine the uniformity of field distribution inside the constructed solenoid determining the optimal space for cellular research. Preliminary studies of the effect of the magnetic field on the response of cancer cells treated with cisplatin were carried out on the built stand. The study shows that a magnetic field with certain parameters can significantly affect the response of cancer cells to cisplatin treatment. The application of a magnetic field can either promote cell proliferation or, with appropriately selected parameters, lead to increased cytotoxicity. Continued research will allow us to determine the appropriate drug concentration parameters when using magnetic field exposure with given parameters.}, type={Article}, title={Apparatus for Exposure of Cancer Cell Lines with Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Alternating Magnetic Field}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/133981/PDF-MASTER/BPASTS-04622-EA.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2025.153429}, keywords={alternating magnetic field, extremely low frequencies, cancer cells, cell viability, effect of cisplatin}, }