@ARTICLE{RAMIREZ-GUTIERREZ_Henry_L._Methodology_2024, author={RAMIREZ-GUTIERREZ, Henry L. and GĂ“MEZ-MARIN, Cristian G.}, volume={Vol. 15}, number={No 4}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) plays a pivotal role in preparing individuals for the workforce, equipping them with the specific skills demanded by industries. This paper introduces a methodology aimed at diagnosing the primary elements of Operations Management (OM) essential for the development of TVET activities. The proposed methodol ogy is structured into three key stages using institutional documents, focus group and surveys as data collection approaches. Firstly, it involves characterizing the TVET institution under consideration. Secondly, it encompasses the delineation of supporting operations crucial for the development of TVET activities within the chosen case study context. Finally, it offers a methodology for discerning the principal perceptions and expectations of both learners and trainers regarding the supporting technical learning activities. Elements such as planning, preparation, manufacturing processes, and warehouse management emerged with a perceived high impact on supporting these training activities. Conversely, factors such as location and environmental conditions exhibited a comparatively lower perceived impact within the case study.}, title={Methodology for Diagnosing the Impact of Operations Management Elements in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in the Garment Industry}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/134012/PDF/1130_3k.pdf}, keywords={operations management, Technical and vocational education and training, Quality training, Garment industry, Education performance, Education management}, }