@ARTICLE{Łangowski_Ariel_Assessment_Early, author={Łangowski, Ariel}, pages={56-62}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={Early Access}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The research was based on a field experiment on light soil. The sampling used for row plantings was Catalpa bignonioides. The reason for this choice was the species recommended for row plantings due to its attractive appearance, long flowering and relatively good resistance to changing climatic conditions. The research aimed to determine water needs: field water consumption of C. bignonioides in row plantings on light soil under subsurface drip irrigation conditions. Water needs identified with field water consumption of C. bignonioides in row plantings on light soil under optimal soil moisture conditions during the growing season were variable. They depended on the variants of the experiment and the course of precipitation and thermal conditions in all growing seasons. The values of total water consumption of C. bignonioides in the growing seasons ranged from 241.3 (2019) to 428.7 mm (2022) for the W1 variant (irrigation performed when soil moisture dropped to –40 kPa). In the W2 variant objects (irrigation performed when soil moisture dropped to –20 kPa), the values of seasonal water consumption were higher and ranged from 266.5 (2019) to 458.8 mm (2022). Daily water consumption increased with the growth of C. bignonioides, regardless of the experimental variant. During each year of the experiment, higher values of daily water consumption were characteristic of the W2 variant. Cultivating C. bignonioides, growing on light soils, enables implementing subsurface drip irrigation technology, which, while ensuring optimal soil moisture conditions, will allow for the undisturbed growth and development of this species in row plantings.}, title={Assessment of water needs of Catalpa bignonioides under subsurface irrigation in row plantings}, type={Article}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/134070/2025-01-JWLD-06.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2025.153516}, keywords={Catalpa bignonioides, light soil, row plantings, subsurface drip irrigation, water needs}, }