@ARTICLE{Siregar_Lisna_Yanti_Microplastic_2025, author={Siregar, Lisna Yanti and Muchlisin, Zainal Abidin and Pradit, Siriporn and Yucharoen, Mathinee and Faradilla, Suci Bud}, volume={51}, number={1}, pages={3-11}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2025}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Mullet fish (Mugil cephalus), glassfish (Ambassis nalua), and mudskipper (Periophthalmus sp.) dominate the mangrove ecosystem waters of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. These fish are potentially contaminated with microplastics from domestic and industrial waste. This study aimed to analyze microplastic contamination in the digestive tracts and flesh of fish from the mangrove area of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. Sampling was conducted at 3 stations: Alue Naga in Syiah Kuala District, Pande in Kuta Raja District, and Blang in Meuraxa District, from December 2023 to February 2024. A total of 478 mullets, 462 glassfish, and 435 mudskippers were sampled. Based on fish species and sampling location, glassfish and the Alue Naga station exhibited the highest abundance of microplastics, with values of 1.55 particles/fish and 1.77 particles/fish, respectively. Black was the most dominant color of microplastics found in all fish samples, with the predominant size groups being <20 μm and 21–40 μm. Film was the predominant shape of microplastics in all fish species. FTIR analysis confirmed the presence of nylon and polypropylene microplastic polymers in the fish flesh. Mullet fish, glassfish, and mudskippers from the mangrove forest waters of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia, have been contaminated by microplastics.}, title={Microplastic contamination in fish harvested from the estuarine mangrove forest of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia}, type={Articles}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/134071/PDF/Archives%20vol%2051%20no%201%20003-011%20LR.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aep.2025.153745}, keywords={microplastics, Mugil cephalus, Ambassis nalua, Periophthalmus sp., film and foam}, }