@ARTICLE{Jasińska_Anna_Adaptive_2024, author={Jasińska, Anna and Jasiński, Artur}, volume={vol. LII/1}, journal={Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie}, pages={129-151}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polsh Academy of Sciences, Branch in Kraków (Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie)}, abstract={The Parisian Pinault Collection was established in the thoroughly renovated building of the Bourse de Commerce, which formerly housed a commodity exchange. The building had been remodelled several times due to the conflicting interests of its subsequent stakeholders. Various transformations were required as functional needs were changing. In the 16th century, a palace for Catherine de Medici was built there, which survived until 1748. In 1776, a warehouse and a grain exchange (Halle au Blé) were built on the site of the former palace. The structure from the 18th century underwent extensive reconstruction works at the end of the 19th century to adapt it for use as a commodity exchange (the Bourse de Commerce). Another transformation took place fairly recently. The building was leased from the municipal authorities and adapted to house a contemporary art museum. A concrete cylinder was placed inside to serve as the main exhibition and circulation space. The renovation project was entrusted to Japanese architect Tadao Andō. The former commodity exchange building has, thus, become, at least for the next fifty years, a contemporary art museum — an original, controversial work of contemporary architecture and an example of a skilful adaptive reuse of a heritage building. This paper analyses, from the perspective of an art historian and architect, the project in question in comparison to other projects of adaptive reuse of heritage buildings into galleries of contemporary art carried out by Tadao Andō for François Pinault, focusing on the design strategies adopted and the results achieved.}, type={Article}, title={Adaptive Reuse of a Heritage Building: The New Life of Bourse de Commerce in Paris}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/134113/PDF/05_Teka_tom_specjalny_2024_popr1.pdf}, doi={10.24425/tkuia.2024.152188}, keywords={museum architecture, collections, Tadao Andō, François Pinault}, }