@ARTICLE{Rogula-Kozłowska_Wioletta_Assessment_2025, author={Rogula-Kozłowska, Wioletta and Penkała, Magdalena and Bihałowicz, Jan Stefan and Rogula-Kopiec, Patrycja Kornelia and Bihałowicz, Joanna and Błaszczak, Barbara}, volume={51}, number={1}, pages={92-102}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2025}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Road infrastructure has negative environmental effects, such as noise, vibration, disruption of ecosystem services, and pollution. Noise barriers are used to reduce air pollution and absorb sound waves, but studies have shown that they can impact pollutant concentrations. A study conducted in Poland analyzed the composition of dust collected from roads with and without noise barriers and road exits. The dust was tested using an energydispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, and the results were analyzed statistically. The study found that road dust collected in areas without barriers had significantly higher levels of certain elements, such as calcium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, sulfur, and zirconium. In contrast, dust collected from areas with noise barriers had lower pollutant levels. These findings highlight the effectiveness of noise barriers in reducing pollution levels in areas adjacent to roads}, title={Assessment of differences in elemental concentrations in particulate matter from road surfaces near and outside noise barriers in Poland}, type={Article}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/134118/PDF-MASTER/Archives%20vol%2051%20no%201%20092-102%20LR.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aep.2025.153753}, keywords={particulate matter, road dust, sound-absorbing screens, exhaust emissions}, }