@ARTICLE{Poklewski-Koziełł_Damian_Traffic_2024, author={Poklewski-Koziełł, Damian and Racoń-Leja, Kinga and Duarte, Carlos Marmolejo}, volume={vol. LII/1}, journal={Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie}, pages={367–385}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polsh Academy of Sciences, Branch in Kraków (Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie)}, abstract={This paper presents an original research method used in the historical urban tissue of a small city in regard of the implementation of a traffic calming strategy. The method found practical application in the development of a design proposal for the revitalization of the old town in Golub-Dobrzyń, prepared at the request of the City Hall by a team of researchers from the Cracow University of Technology. The proposed methodology, which is based on an analysis of basic parameters of the urban tissue and traffic issues, such as the supply of parking spaces or measuring the degree of their occupancy, has proven effective in developing a comprehensive revitalization strategy aimed at improving the attractiveness of the dying city centre. This paper fills the research gap on the practical side of urban design. The issues discussed, although they concern mostly traffic scope, proved the necessity to go beyond the framework of this discipline and take into account a wide range of topics in the field of architectural, urban, conservation, environmental, social and cultural conditions. The accuracy of the urban diagnosis and the purposefulness of the proposed changes were confirmed through public consultations.}, type={Article}, title={Traffic Calming Strategy for Golub’s Old Town}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/134120/PDF/16_Teka_tom_specjalny_2024_popr1.pdf}, doi={10.24425/tkuia.2024.152199}, keywords={Pedestrianization, calmed traffic, historical old town revitalization}, }