@ARTICLE{Rozbicka_Małgorzata_Władysław_2024, author={Rozbicka, Małgorzata}, volume={vol. LII/1}, journal={Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie}, pages={259–284}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polsh Academy of Sciences, Branch in Kraków (Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie)}, abstract={This paper presents the design achievements of Władysław Marconi (1848–1915), as one of the leading representatives of the mature, and in particular late-phase Historical Revival in Polish architecture, although generally widely known, they are so mainly in the context of works completed by him around 1900, i.e., at the peak of his professional career. The aim of this study was therefore to trace his design activity, which had not been developed so far, in the years preceding his achievement of the status of one of the most outstanding architects of Warsaw at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century’s, both in terms of architecture and technology around 1898. The article presents the design activity of W. Marconi from the years 1868–1888, i.e., from the period of his studies, and above all from the first phase of his professional career. The research was carried out mainly on the basis of publications from the era in professional magazines and the Warsaw press, and above all archival materials kept in several collections of the National Museum in Warsaw. As a result of the research, it was possible to determine not only the course of the initial phase of W. Marconi’s professional career, but also to supplement the existing knowledge with his previously unknown designs, among others in the Warsaw Krakowski Hotel and in Polesie (now Belarus), in Kosovo and in the estates of Porzecze and Piaseczno.}, type={Article}, title={Władysław Marconi, Free-Practicing Architect (1848–1915): Part 1. Studies And First Professional Experiences (1868–1888)}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/134128/11_Teka_tom_specjalny_2024.pdf}, doi={10.24425/tkuia.2024.152194}, keywords={Władysław Marconi, Polish architecture, historicism}, }