@ARTICLE{Ogrodnik_Daniel_Urban_2024, author={Ogrodnik, Daniel}, volume={vol. LII/1}, journal={Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie}, pages={347–366}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polsh Academy of Sciences, Branch in Kraków (Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie)}, abstract={Professor Zbigniew K. Zuziak, who unexpectedly passed away in April 2023, was an eminent scholar, urbanist, and architect actively involved in the development of Kraków, open to the views of others and constantly seeking the essence of the phenomena that he studied. He engaged in discussions on a variety of issues within the realms of architecture, urban planning, and spatial planning in the context of humanities and economics, aiming to enrich the art of city building. Particularly significant in the Professor’s approach was the precise definition of concepts, naming of phenomena, and expression of ideas, which he considered crucial for the development of both professional scientific and practical workshops. Professor Zuziak addressed challenges related to the construction of urban form, including its aesthetic and ethical aspects. Drawing inspiration from philosophical currents that define beauty in ethical terms as moral beauty, he outlined the challenge of balancing conflicting interests and seeking new relationships between communities and individuals, as well as between culture and nature. In this article, the author attempts to outline the issues of ethical city development based on themes derived from the rich legacy of his Master. The results of reflections on the works of Professor Z. Zuziak were presented in the context of the current state of research. The findings were systematized in three thematic areas, outlining the framework for ethical urban development. Conclusions summarize the author’s exploration of the Professor’s main arguments and messages.}, type={Article}, title={Urban Development Ethics in the Light of Professor Zbigniew K. Zuziak’s Research and Body of Work}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/134132/15_Teka_tom_specjalny_2024.pdf}, doi={10.24425/tkuia.2024.152198}, keywords={ethics in city development, urban planning, spatial planning}, }