@ARTICLE{Glombik_Ks._Konrad_Antropologiczne_2011-2012, author={Glombik, Ks. Konrad}, number={Tom 6-7}, pages={189-204}, journal={Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN}, howpublished={online}, year={2011-2012}, publisher={Polskia Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk Teologicznych}, abstract={Business ethics is a complex issue that has been studied a lot. This paper discusses just one of its aspects and presents the assumptions of ethics of economic activity arising from Christian anthropology. They include respect for the dignity of the human person, taking into consideration the social dimension of human life and the affrmation of man’s integral development. All those are particulars of the general principle that man is the creator, the centre and the goal of the whole life and economic activity. These assumptions are in no way unrealistic and idealized expectations in relation to economic and business activity, they rather prove that the economic sphere of life is not ethically neutral, neither is it inhuman nor antisocial. As a dimension of man’s activity it is subject to a moral assessment. Since all stages of economic activity deal with man, his behaviour and needs, they involve moral implications. Even if in certain circumstances unethical behaviour may lead, though temporarily, to economic success, the economic and moral facets are intertwined. J. Messner was right when he stressed that in one’s striving for economic goals immoral means are at the same time uneconomic. The present fnancial and economic crisis proves his thesis.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Antropologiczne podstawy etyki biznesu}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/98010/PDF/Glombik.pdf}, doi={10.24425/snt.2011-2012.112745}, keywords={business ethics, man and economy, human dignity, morality in economic activity}, }