@ARTICLE{Śleszyński_Przemysław_Estetyczne_2018, author={Śleszyński, Przemysław and Chmielewski, Tadeusz J. and Chmielewski, Szymon and Kułak, Agnieszka}, volume={tom 182 Studia nad chaosem przestrzennym}, number={cz.2 Koszty chaosu przestrzennego}, journal={Studia KPZK}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={Aesthetic Costs of Spatial Chaos. The most characteristic process of settlement’s development in Poland after 1989, is chaotic dispersion of the buildings, usually around cities, but also along the routes, tourist sites and agricultural areas. The result of this pressure is the fragmentation and the increasing isolation of the landscape ecological systems. These processes have also consequences in the degradation of aesthetic values of the landscape. This report shows the consequences of these processes and condemns the most important tasks that should be taken to repair the quality of the landscape. It is estimated that over 60% of the Polish population lives in the conflict countryside, undergoing pressure of spatial disorder, with reduced or degraded of compositional and aesthetic values. The disintegration of the landscape style and the place identity has also appeared in this areas. In the cities grows the visual aggression of advertising billboards. These phenomena are increasingly negatively assessed by the society. Improvement of spatial order and landscape aesthetics requires fundamental changes in the system of spatial planning, transfer of modern knowledge about the landscape systems to local governments and spatial planning staff, as well as a long-term, consistent work of the society.It is necessary to establish a new way of thinking and learning about the landscape systems. The development and dissemination of methods and techniques of GIS, opens up a new possibilities for diagnosing the physiognomy of the landscape. A methods of assessing the physiognomic structure of landscape as well as methods of design the composition of landscape interiors and scenic panoramas are developed. Since 2015, the landscape audit procedure is implemented. The National Landscape Policy, as well as a common landscape education should be developed, conducted in parallel to the already well-developed environmental policy and education.}, title={Estetyczne koszty chaosu przestrzennego}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/107644/PDF-MASTER/Studia%20KPZK%20182%20t.II%2014%20Chmielewski%20i%20in.pdf}, keywords={landscape aesthetics, landscape education, spatial order}, }