Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Development of a Manufacturing Technology of Compacted Graphite Iron Castings from a Cupola Furnace Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Foundry Engineering Rocznik 2012 Numer No 1 Autorzy Heunisch, J. ; Bouska, O. ; Zadera, A. ; Nedelova, K. ; Kobersky, F. Słowa kluczowe Compacted graphite iron ; Cupola furnace ; modification Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2012 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10266-012-0024-y ; eISSN 2299-2944 Źródło Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2012; No 1 Referencje Senberger J. (2008), Metallurgy of cast steel. ; Dawson S. (2009), Compacted graphite iron - A material solution for modern diesel engine cylinder blocks and heads, China Foundry, 6, 3, 241. ; Weber R. (2001), Entwicklung von Kurbelgehäusen aus GJV. Gießtechnik im Motorenbau - Anforderungen der Automobilindustrie. ; Lampic M. (2001), Casting design features for optima usage of CGI, null. ; Bollen T. (2001), Quality control procedures for production of castings in CGI, null. ; Guesser W. (2004), Compacted Graphite Iron for Diesel Engine Cylinder Blocks, null, 1. ; Mocellin F. (2004), Study of the Machinability of Compacted Graphite Iron for Drilling Process, Journal of the Brazil Society of Mechanical Science & Engineering, XXVI, 1, 22. ; Vaccari, J. (2000). How to machine compacted graphite iron. Posted with Publisher's Permission from the November 2000. Machine Shop Guide. ; Cole G. (2001), Marketing opportunities with CGI, null. ; Elbel T. (2007), Formation of pin holes in CGI castings, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 13, 4, 62. ; Elbel T. (2011), Study on formation of pin holes in cast iron castings, null.