Details Details PDF BIBTEX RIS Title Morphology of immune organs after very virulent plus strain of Marek’s disease virus infection in vaccinated hens Journal title Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences Yearbook 2016 Issue No 2 Authors Madej, J.P. ; Woźniakowski, G. ; Gaweł, A. Divisions of PAS Nauki Biologiczne i Rolnicze Publisher Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Veterinary Sciences ; University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Date 2016 Identifier DOI: 10.1515/pjvs-2016-0040 ; ISSN 1505-1773 Source Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2016; No 2 References Kano (2009), Microarray analysis of host immune responses to Marek s disease virus infection in vaccinated chickens, J Vet Med Sci, 603, ; Omar (1996), Syngeneic Marek s disease virus MDV - specific cellmediated immune responses against immediate early late and unique MDV proteins, Virology, 87, ; Witter (2005), Classification of Marek s disease viruses according to pathotype : philosophy and methodology, Avian Pathol, 34, 75, ; Hunt (2015), The Influence of Major Histocompatibility Complex and Vaccination with Turkey Herpesvirus on Marek s Disease Virus Evolution, Avian Dis, 122, ; Perumbakkam (2014), Marek s disease virus influences the core gut microbiome of the chicken during the early and late phases of viral replication, FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 300, ; Schat (2000), Specific and nonspecific immune responses to Marek s disease virus, Dev Comp Immunol, 201, ; Witter (1997), Increased virulence of Marek s disease virus field isolates, Avian Dis, 149, ; Woźniakowski (2014), Molecular evolution of Marek s disease virus MDV field strains in a - year time period, Avian Dis, 40, 550, ; Omar (1997), Characterization of Marek s disease herpesvirus - specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in chickens inoculated with a non - oncogenic vaccine strain of MDV, Immunology, 579, ; Witter (1983), Characteristics of Marek s disease viruses isolated from vaccinated commercial chicken flocks : association of viral pathotype with lymphoma frequency, Avian Dis, 113, ; Pejović (2007), Morphological and immunohistochemical examination of tumor cells in Marek s disease, Acta veterinaria Beograd, 57, 27, ; Atkins (2013), Vaccination and reduced cohort duration can drive virulence evolution : Marek s disease virus and industrialized agriculture, Evolution, 851, ; Burgess (1999), A quantitative duplex PCR technique for measuring amounts of cell - associated Marek s disease virus : differences in two populations of lymphoma cells, J Virol Methods, 27, ; Witter (1995), Characteristics of CVI Rispens two prototype vaccine strains of serotype Marek s disease virus, Avian Dis, 988. ; Osterrieder (2006), Marek s disease virus : from miasma to model, Nat Rev Microbiol, 283, ; Zhang (2015), Pathogenic characteristics of Marek s disease virus field strains prevalent in China and the effectiveness of existing vaccines against them, Vet Microbiol, 62, ; Dudnikova (2007), Evaluation of Marek s disease field isolates by the best fit pathotyping assay, Avian Pathol, 135, ; Powell (1978), Marek s disease tumour - specific antigen induced by the herpesvirus of turkeys in vaccinated chickens, Vet Record, 232, ; Haq (2013), Immunity to Marek s disease : where are we now, Dev Comp Immunol, 439, ; Baaten (2004), Study of host - pathogen interactions to identify sustainable vaccine strategies to Marek s disease, Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 165, ; Baigent (2006), Vaccinal control of Marek s disease : current challenges , and future strategies to maximize protection, Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 112, 78, ; Mwangi (2011), Clonal structure of rapid - onset MDV - driven CD lymphomas and responding CD T cells, PLoS Pathog, 4, 1001337, ; Hunt (2013), The influence of host genetics on Marek s disease virus evolution, Avian Dis, 474, ; Venugopal (2000), Marek s disease : an update on oncogenic mechanisms and control, Res Vet Sci, 17, ; Kodama (1979), Anti - viral immunity against Marek s disease virus infected chicken kidney cells, Avian Pathol, 8, 33, ; Heidari (2014), Marek s disease virus - induced transient cecal tonsil atrophy, Avian Dis, 262, ; Witter (2006), Susceptibility of adult chickens , with and without prior vaccination , to challenge with Marek s disease virus, Avian Dis, 354, ; Davison (2005), Use of Marek s disease vaccines : could they be driving the virus to increasing virulence, Expert Rev Vaccines, 77,