Details Details PDF BIBTEX RIS Title Key Tasks of Science in Improving Effectiveness of Hard Coal Production in Poland Journal title Archives of Mining Sciences Yearbook 2017 Issue No 3 Authors Dubiński, Józef ; Turek, Marian ; Prusek, Stanisław Divisions of PAS Nauki Techniczne Publisher Committee of Mining PAS Date 2017 Identifier DOI: 10.1515/amsc-2017-0043 ; ISSN 0860-7001 Source Archives of Mining Sciences; 2017; No 3 References Jonek (2016), Assessing operational risk in coal mining enterprises internal industrial, international perspectives Policy, 48. ; Turek (2014), Produktywność kluczowy czynnik funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa górniczego Productivity key factor in functioning of a mining enterprise Referat wygłoszony na konferencji Mechanizacja i czerwca roku Materiał niepublikowany, null, 11. ; Burchart (2014), of sustainability assessment method of coal mines, Development, 13. ; Michalak (null), Comparative analysis of the cost of equity of hard coal mining enterprises an international perspective, Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi Mineral Resources Management, 31, 2015. ; Turek (2013), System zarządzania kosztami w kopalni węgla kamiennego w cyklu istnienia wyrobiska wybierkowego System of costs managing in a hard coal mine throughout the lifecycle of an extraction working, null. ; (2007), Characteristics of the capital gaining sources and financing the activity of coal mine enterprises Part Sources of the foreign capital Mineral, Resources Management, 23. ; Jonek (2014), Risk management in the hard coal mining industry : social and environmental aspects of collieries liquidation, Policy, 124. ; Jonek (null), Challenges for long - term industry restructuring in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin What has Polish coal mining achieved and failed from a twenty - year perspective, Policy, 2015. ; Burchart (2016), Model of environmental life cycle assessment for coal mining operations of, Science The Total Environment, 562. ; Michalak (2011), The influence of performance funding strategy on capital cost of mining enterprises in In Technical and Geoinformational Systems in Mining ed School of Underground Mining Dnipropetrovsk Ukraine, null, 61. ; Sierpińska (2016), Cost of corporate bond issue in coal mining company Contemporary Published, Economics, 10, 99. ; Michalak (2014), Conceptualization of the cost of capital in the theory of economy and contemporary economic In Political Finance Tourism International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Arts vol II, sciences Sciences Law Economics Sciences Conference Proceedings, 115. ; Dubiński (2013), Kierunki badań naukowych wspierających górnictwo węgla kamiennego na przykładzie Katowickiego Holdingu Węglowego SA Directions of research supporting hard coal mining case study of Katowicki Holding, null. ; Czaplicka (null), - efficiency assessment model of production processes of mining, Arch Min Sci, 2015. ; Turek (2009), dynamiki i struktury zmian kosztów w przedsiębiorstwie górniczym Evaluation of dynamics and the structure of changes in costs in mining enterprises, null.