

Real-Time Positioning of Equipment and Material Tracking of Waste Streams in Surface Coal Mining – a Case Study

Journal title

Archives of Mining Sciences




vol. 66


No 2



Vrublová, Dana : VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava , Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Combined Studies in Most, Dělnická 21, Most, Czech Republic ; Kapica, Roman : VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Geodesy and Mine Surveying, 17. listopadu 15, Ostrava – Poruba, 708 00, Czech Republic ; Smelik, Stanislav : Geodetic Office, Baška 111, 739 01 Baška, Czech Republic ; Smeliková, Markéta : Geodetic Office, Baška 111, 739 01 Baška, Czech Republic


bucket wheel excavator ; geology ; GNSS ; digital terrain model ; opencast mining ; real-time

Divisions of PAS

Nauki Techniczne




Committee of Mining PAS


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DOI: 10.24425/ams.2021.137460