Knowledge about carbon monoxide poisoning among medical and non-medical students living in Kraków — questionnaire studyJournal title
Folia Medica CracoviensiaYearbook
Vol. 61Issue
No 3Authors
Popiołek, Iwona : University Hospital in Kraków, Kraków, Poland ; Popiołek, Iwona : Department of Toxicology and Environmental Diseases, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland ; Popiołek, Lech : Private practice, Kraków, Poland ; Marchewka, Jakub : Department of Physiotherapy, University of Physical Education, Kraków, Poland ; Marchewka, Jakub : Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, 5th Military Hospital, Kraków, Poland ; Dębski, Grzegorz : Radiology Department, 5th Military Hospital, Kraków, Poland ; Bolech-Gruca, Justyna : University Hospital in Kraków, Kraków, Poland ; Szumińska, Małgorzata : Department of Endocrinology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland ; Hydzik, Piotr : University Hospital in Kraków, Kraków, Poland ; Hydzik, Piotr : Department of Toxicology and Environmental Diseases, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, PolandKeywords
Carbon monoxide ; CO intoxication ; CO poisoning ; toxicology ; studentsDivisions of PAS
Nauki MedyczneCoverage
Oddział PAN w Krakowie; Uniwersytet Jagielloński – Collegium MedicumBibliography
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