Bilateral DIEP flap breast with simultaneous unilateral nipple-sparing mastectomy — case reportJournal title
Folia Medica CracoviensiaYearbook
Vol. 61Issue
No 3Authors
Ulatowski, Łukasz : Department of Plastic Surgery, Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education, Professor W. Orlowski Memorial Hospital, 231st Czerniakowska Street, 00-416 Warsaw, Poland ; Gierej, Piotr : Department of Plastic Surgery, Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education, Professor W. Orlowski Memorial Hospital, 231st Czerniakowska Street, 00-416 Warsaw, Poland ; Molska, Maria : Department of Plastic Surgery, Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education, Professor W. Orlowski Memorial Hospital, 231st Czerniakowska Street, 00-416 Warsaw, PolandKeywords
bilateral breast reconstruction ; DIEP flap ; risk-reducing mastectomy ; prophylactic mastectomy ; breast cancer ; nipple-sparing mastectomyDivisions of PAS
Nauki MedyczneCoverage
Oddział PAN w Krakowie; Uniwersytet Jagielloński – Collegium MedicumBibliography
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