Reducing Wear of the Mine Ropeways Components Basing Upon the Studies of Their Contact InteractionJournal title
Archives of Mining SciencesYearbook
vol. 66Issue
No 4Authors
Haddad, Jamil Sami : Al-Balqa Applied University, 1 Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan ; Denyshchenko, Oleksandr : Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine ; Kolosov, Dmytro : Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine ; Bartashevskyi, Stanislav : Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine ; Rastsvietaiev, Valerii : Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine ; Cherniaiev, Oleksii : Dnipro University of Technology, UkraineKeywords
rope ; roller ; friction sheave ; ropeway ; contact stresses ; durabilityDivisions of PAS
Nauki TechniczneCoverage
Committee of Mining PASBibliography
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