Change over Time in Learners’ Mindsets about Learning a Foreign LanguageJournal title
Polish Psychological BulletinYearbook
vol. 53Issue
No 2Authors
Shirvan, Majid Elahi : University of Bojnord, Iran ; Taherian, Tahereh : Yazd University, Iran ; Yazdanmehr, Elham : Attar Institute of Higher Education, Iran ; Robat, Esmaeel Saeedy : Department of Education, Taybad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Taybad, IranKeywords
language mindsets ; language mindsets index ; initial level ; growth level ; curve of factors modelDivisions of PAS
Nauki Humanistyczne i SpołeczneCoverage
Committee for Psychological Science PASBibliography
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DOI: 10.24425/ppb.2022.141137Aims and scope
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