Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Construction and control of AMBs high speed flywheel Tytuł czasopisma Archive of Mechanical Engineering Rocznik 2011 Wolumin vol. 58 Numer No 1 Autorzy Mystkowski, Arkadiusz ; Rowiński, Artur Słowa kluczowe flywheel ; magnetic bearing ; composite rotor ; optimal control ; strength calculations Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 79-89 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building Data 2011 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10180-011-0005-7 ; ISSN 0004-0738, e-ISSN 2300-1895 Źródło Archive of Mechanical Engineering; 2011; vol. 58; No 1; 79-89 Referencje Kameno H. (2003), Basic design of 1kWh class compact flywheel energy storage system, Koyo Engineering Journal, 163, 44. ; Nathan G. W., Jeremiah I. R.: Flywheel system with parallel pumping arrangement, U. S. patent 6 347 925 b1, 2002. ; Ward R. S.: Composite flywheel rim with co-mingled fiber layers and methods of determining the same, U. S. patent 6 884 039 b2, 2005. ; Norman C. B.: Stiff metal hub for an energy storage rotor, U. S. patent 6 817 266 b1, 2002. ; Kameno H. (2002), Basic design of 1kwh class flywheel energy storage system, null, 575. ; Kubo A. (2003), Dynamic analysis and levitation test in 1kwh class flywheel energy storage system, null, 144. ; Larsonneur R.: Design and control of active magnetic bearing system for high speed rotation, Diss. Eth., 1990, No 9140. ; Charara A. (1996), Nonlinear control of a magnetic levitation system without premagetization, IEEE Tran. on Control Sys. Tech, 4, 5, 513, ; Lottin J. (1994), Nonlinear control of active magnetic bearings, null, 101. ; Charara A. (1992), Magnetic bearing: comparison between linear and nonlinear functioning, null, 451. ; Smith R. (1995), Nonlinear control of a rigid rotor magnetic bearing system: modeling and simulation with full state feedback, IEEE Tran. on Mag, 31, 973, ; Torries M. (1999), Sliding mode nonlinear control of magnetic bearings, null, 743. ; Hu T. (2004), Reducing power loss in magnetic bearings by optimizing current allocation, IEEE, Tran. on Mag, 40, 3, 1625, ; Sivrioglu S. (2003), Adaptive output backstepping control of a flywheel zero-power amb system with parameter uncertainty, null, 3942. ; Schweitzer G. (2002), Active magnetic bearings - chances and limitations, null. ; Maslen E. (1989), Practical limits to the performance of magnetic bearings: peak force, slew rate and displacement sensitivity, ASME Journal on Tribology, 111, 331, ; Gosiewski Z. (2006), The robust control of magnetic bearings for rotating machinery, Solid State Phenomena, 113, 125, ; Gosiewski Z. (2008), Robust control of active magnetic suspension: analytical and experimental results, Mech. Sys. & Signal Proc, 22, 6, 1297,