
Tytuł artykułu

Investigations of mass transfer in annular gas-liquid flow in a microreactor

Tytuł czasopisma

Chemical and Process Engineering




vol. 37


No 1 March


Słowa kluczowe

mass transfer ; annular flow ; microreactor

Wydział PAN

Nauki Techniczne




Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering




Artykuły / Articles


DOI: 10.1515/cpe-2016-0006 ; ISSN 2300-1925 (Chemical and Process Engineering)


Chemical and Process Engineering; 2016; vol. 37; No 1 March; 55-64


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Rada naukowa

Editorial Board

Ali Mesbah, UC Berkeley, USA ORCID logo0000-0002-1700-0600

Anna Gancarczyk, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland ORCID logo0000-0002-2847-8992

Anna Trusek, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0002-3886-7166

Bettina Muster-Slawitsch, AAE Intec, Austria ORCID logo0000-0002-5944-0831

Daria Camilla Boffito, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada ORCID logo0000-0002-5252-5752

Donata Konopacka-Łyskawa, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0002-2924-7360

Dorota Antos, Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0001-8246-5052

Evgeny Rebrov, University of Warwick, UK ORCID logo0000-0001-6056-9520

Georgios Stefanidis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece ORCID logo0000-0002-4347-1350

Ireneusz Grubecki, Bydgoszcz Univeristy of Science and Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0001-5378-3115

Johan Tinge, Fibrant B.V., The Netherlands ORCID logo0000-0003-1776-9580

Katarzyna Bizon, Cracow University of Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0001-7600-4452

Katarzyna Szymańska, Silesian University of Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0002-1653-9540

Marcin Bizukojć, Łódź University of Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0003-1641-9917

Marek Ochowiak, Poznań University of Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0003-1543-9967

Mirko Skiborowski, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany ORCID logo0000-0001-9694-963X

Nikola Nikacevic, University of Belgrade, Serbia ORCID logo0000-0003-1135-5336

Rafał Rakoczy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0002-5770-926X

Richard Lakerveld, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong ORCID logo0000-0001-7444-2678

Tom van Gerven, KU Leuven, Belgium ORCID logo0000-0003-2051-5696

Tomasz Sosnowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland ORCID logo0000-0002-6775-3766
