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Mullet fish (Mugil cephalus), glassfish (Ambassis nalua), and mudskipper (Periophthalmus sp.) dominate the mangrove ecosystem waters of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. These fish are potentially contaminated with microplastics from domestic and industrial waste. This study aimed to analyze microplastic contamination in the digestive tracts and flesh of fish from the mangrove area of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. Sampling was conducted at 3 stations: Alue Naga in Syiah Kuala District, Pande in Kuta Raja District, and Blang in Meuraxa District, from December 2023 to February 2024. A total of 478 mullets, 462 glassfish, and 435 mudskippers were sampled. Based on fish species and sampling location, glassfish and the Alue Naga station exhibited the highest abundance of microplastics, with values of 1.55 particles/fish and 1.77 particles/fish, respectively. Black was the most dominant color of microplastics found in all fish samples, with the predominant size groups being <20 μm and 21–40 μm. Film was the predominant shape of microplastics in all fish species. FTIR analysis confirmed the presence of nylon and polypropylene microplastic polymers in the fish flesh. Mullet fish, glassfish, and mudskippers from the mangrove forest waters of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia, have been contaminated by microplastics.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lisna Yanti Siregar
1 2 3
Zainal Abidin Muchlisin
Siriporn Pradit
1 2
Mathinee Yucharoen
1 2
Suci Bud Faradilla

  1. Coastal Oceanography and Climate Change Research Center, Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University,Songkhla 90110 Thailand
  2. Marine and Coastal Resources Institute, Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, 90110 Thailand
  3. Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111 Indonesia
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Maintaining water quality is essential for numerous fields, but pollution challenges have become more pronounced with population growth and industrial expansion. Although monitoring technologies have advanced, comprehensive watershed analyses remain limited, especially in developing countries. This study conducts a bibliometric review of watershed-scale water quality monitoring research, applying the PRISMA 2020 method alongside tools such as Scopus, VOSviewer, Orange Data Mining, and qualitative content analysis to identify trends, research gaps, and future directions across 107 studies. From 2005 to 2024, there has been a significant rise in research on real-time monitoring systems and spatial modeling in water quality, with notable peaks. The United States leads in publication volume, while 'Watershed Flow Modeling' remains underexplored and underrepresented. Studies show that implementing real-time monitoring systems and spatial modeling in developing countries faces challenges related to infrastructure and funding. However, recent advancements in IoT-based tools and satellite remote sensing are progressively enhancing water resource management.
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Authors and Affiliations

Syafriadi Syafriadi
Anik Sarminingsih
Henny Juliani
Mochamad Arief Budihardjo
Muhammad Thariq Sani
Hessy Rahma Wati

  1. Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro Jl. Prof. H. Sudarto, SH Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia
  2. Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
  3. Environmental Sustainability Research Group, Departement of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
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The aim of this study was to prepare and assess the effectiveness of a geopolymer doped with multi-walled carbon nanotubes functionalized with carboxyl groups (GEO+MWCNT) for removing lead (Pb(II)) and anthracene (ANT) from rainwater. Characterization of the GEO+MWCNT demonstrated an increased specific surface area and microporosity compared to the pristine geopolymer (GEO). Adsorption experiments revealed that GEO+MWCNT achieved higher removal efficiencies for Pb(II) and ANT compared to GEO alone. The maximum removal rates of lead and anthracene by GEO+MWCNT were 100% and 87.5%, respectively, compared to 71.5% and 76.2% for GEO. For GEO+MWCNT, lead removal was 78.2% in anthracene-containing solutions and 86.7% in anthracene-free rainwater. The optimal removal of Pb(II) occurred at pH 8. The adsorption kinetics followed a pseudo-second-order model, indicating a complex mechanism involving physical adsorption, chemisorption, and electrostatic attraction. These findings suggest that geopolymers, particularly when combined with MWCNT-COOH, have significant application potential for rainwater purification processes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Marszałek
Noura Fathy Abdel Salam
Gabriela Kamińska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
  2. Cairo University, Egypt
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A disadvantage of many commonly used impregnants and resins is their high toxicity, related to the presence of harmful aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in their composition. VOCs account for a relatively large approx. 30% portion in the synthetic resins industry. One idea for reducing or eliminating VOCs from the production of resins, paints is the use of high-quality intermediates and biodegradable raw materials. A perspective on novel approaches to protecting concrete surfaces was presented, involving a concept of using two types of higher fatty acids for this purpose: stearic acid (STA) and methyl esters (ME). Recent technological advancements have centered on vegetable oil feedstocks for industrial applications. This is due to their suitability for industrial production of agents, as they substitute non-renewable hydrocarbons. The cited tests confirm the hydrophobic nature of coatings formed using STA and ME on various materials. From the analysis of the literature, it appears that the study of anticorrosion coatings with biodegradable admixtures, i.e. higher fatty acids, should be developed because of their promising results in efficiency, reduction of toxic substances (VOCs) and their impact on the environment.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Hunek
Wojciech Franus

  1. Doctoral School in Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
  2. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Lublin, Poland
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Efficient synthesis of cyclic carbonates is crucial due to their significant value in the chemical industry. A two-step procedure typically produces cyclic carbonates: first epoxidizing cycloheptene and then carboxylating it to form the cyclic carbonate. Combining these processes into a direct oxidative carboxylation reaction would be advantageous from an economic perspective, as it would eliminate the need for additional work-up procedures. Moreover, the effective capture and storage of CO2, a significant contributor to global warming, would also be very advantageous. This study examines the process of oxidative carboxylation of cycloheptene. Supported ruthenium catalysts facilitate the epoxidation step, while a mixture of tetrabutylammonium bromide and zinc bromide enables the cycloaddition of carbon dioxide in the second step. The study evaluates the performance of the catalysts work in both phases and finds that the cyclic carbonate is produced with good selectivity using a one-pot, two-step method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Raiedhah Alsaiari

  1. Chemistry department, college of science and art in sharurah, Najran University, Saudi Arabia
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Adamczyk
Danuta Smołka-Danielowska

  1. University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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As lithium-iron batteries play a crucial role in the growth of electric vehicles, their disposal is projected to increase, posing significant environmental and health risks. Recovering the metals that compose these batteries can help mitigate the negative environmental impacts of mining and address raw material shortages. This research employs hydrometallurgy to recover lithium, aluminum, iron, and copper from the electrode mixture of spent lithiumiron batteries. The average metal content found for lithium, aluminum, iron, and copper was approximately 5%, 2%, 18%, and 16%, respectively. Under optimal leaching conditions, the recovery rates for lithium and aluminum reached 100% and 95%, respectively. These metals can be further separated by pH adjustment to produce lithium and aluminum products. The remaining iron and copper in the leaching residue can also be recovered through additional leaching, replacement, and pH adjustment processes to obtain products containing iron and copper.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yu-Rui Huang
Ching-Hwa Lee
Srinivasa R Popuri
Lien-Chieh Lee

  1. Department of Environmental Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Changhua 51591, Taiwan
  2. Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados-11000
  3. International College, Krirk University, Bangkok 10220, Thailand
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Military activities affect soil conditions through contamination with metal-containing debris, such asprojectile and rocket fragments, as well as bullet remnants, leading to the release of heavy metals and subsequent environmental contamination. The goal of our study was to examine the concentration of heavy metals in areas affected by shelling and to assess their impact on the population of soil microorganisms, including those exhibiting heavy-metal resistance. Metal concentrations were analyzed via an XRF analyzer. The study involved examining both soil samples and missile fragments. Microorganisms were isolated using Koch’s and Hungate’s roll tube methods. The concentration of iron in soil was the highest, reaching 8,1991.3±132.8 ppm. The concentration of other metals (Ni, Cu, Cr) varied between 407.5±8.0 ppm and 4.6±2.1 ppm. Cobalt compounds were not detected at the projectiles impact sites. The number of aerobic chemoorganotrophic bacteria in all soil samples was in the range of (1.8±0.2) × 105 – (3.7±0.2) × 105 CFU/g, while chromium-resistant bacteria were, on average, an order of magnitude fewer. The number of anaerobic microorganisms ranged from (1.4±0.2) × 105 to (2.6±0.2) × 105 CFU/g. A follow-up study conducted after three months indicated a tendency for an increase in both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, including metal-resistant strains. Overall, the total number of microorganisms in all soil samples showed an upward trend. These results show that soil microbial communities may play a role in the detoxification of heavy metals in contaminated soils.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Moliszewska
Iryna Bida
Kacper Matik
Aleksandra Ślusarczyk
Dominik Pawliczek
Olesia Havryliuk
3 4
Vira Hovorukha
1 3
Oleksandr Tashyrev
1 3

  1. Institute of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Opole, Poland
  2. Department of Extremophilic Microorganisms Biology, D.K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virologyof the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  3. Department of Extremophilic Microorganisms Biology, D.K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virologyof the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  4. Laboratory of Sanitary and Environmental Microbiology (MSMLab)-UNESCO Chair on Sustainability,Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, Terrassa, Spain
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Road infrastructure has negative environmental effects, such as noise, vibration, disruption of ecosystem services, and pollution. Noise barriers are used to reduce air pollution and absorb sound waves, but studies have shown that they can impact pollutant concentrations. A study conducted in Poland analyzed the composition of dust collected from roads with and without noise barriers and road exits. The dust was tested using an energydispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, and the results were analyzed statistically. The study found that road dust collected in areas without barriers had significantly higher levels of certain elements, such as calcium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, sulfur, and zirconium. In contrast, dust collected from areas with noise barriers had lower pollutant levels. These findings highlight the effectiveness of noise barriers in reducing pollution levels in areas adjacent to roads
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Authors and Affiliations

Wioletta Rogula-Kozłowska
Magdalena Penkała
Jan Stefan Bihałowicz
Patrycja Kornelia Rogula-Kopiec
Joanna Bihałowicz
Barbara Błaszczak

  1. Fire University, Warsaw, Poland
  2. The University College of Applied Sciences in Chełm, Poland
  3. Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland
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This study explores the use of deep learning neural network models for predicting greenhouse gas emissions, focusing on small-sample time-series data sets, an area with limited prior research. It utilizes Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs), Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), and Transformers combined with Genetic Algorithms to forecast CO 2 emissions from industrial sources in Texas, a major contributor to U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. The analysis is based on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) "Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks" dataset, spanning 1990 to 2020. The results indicate that LSTM and Transformer models are particularly effective, with LSTM outperforming Transformers in
computational efficiency by 6.97 times. These findings highlight the potential of LSTM and Transformer models as accurate and stable tools for predicting CO2 emissions in small-sample time-series data, offering valuable insights for future research and policy development in environmental management.
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Authors and Affiliations

Shih-Hsien Tseng
Chia-Hsuan Wang
Thi Ha Trang Duong

  1. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,Taiwan
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The main aim of the study was to achieve a better understanding of the chemical composition, seasonal variation, and sources of ambient particulate matter in two mid-sized towns in Southern Poland, characterized by a significant air pollution issues: Nowy Targ and Zabierzów. Daily PM10 samples were chemically analyzed for the content of water-soluble ions, carbonaceous matter and trace elements. Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) was applied for source apportionment. The annual mean PM10 concentrations were 38 μg/m3 and 41 μg/m3 in Zabierzów and Nowy Targ, respectively. Secondary species (SIA + SOC) constituted, on average, 23% of PM10 in Nowy Targ, while in Zabierzów, this share varied from 32% to 41% during the non-heating and heating seasons, respectively. The proportion of primary pollutants (EC + POC) in PM10 substantially increased during the heating season in both locations, reaching 24% and 37% of PM10 in Zabierzów and Nowy Targ, respectively. PMF analyses identifies four sources with similar profiles at both sites: residential coal combustion, residential wood combustion, road transport, and secondary aerosol. In both locations, residential coal and wood combustion were the largest contributing sources (on average 44% and 50% of PM10 in Zabierzów and Nowy Targ, respectively), followed by road transport (on average 14% and 21% of PM10). Local sources were the dominant contributors to PM10 at both sites, accounting for 86% and 90% of PM10 in Nowy Targ and Zabierzów, respectively. These findings underscore the importance of implementing control strategies tailored to local factors to improve air quality in these towns
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Reizer
Katarzyna Maciejewska
Barbara Błaszczak
Krzysztof Klejnowski
Katarzyna Juda-Rezler

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, Poland
  2. The Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences,Zabrze, Poland

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(Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n. Col. Sto. Tomás, Mexico), Jarosz-Krzemińska Elżbieta (AGH, Wydział Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska, Katedra Ochrony Środowiska), Jaspal Dipika (Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), (SIU), Jorge Dominguez (Universidade de Vigo, Spain), Kabała Cezary (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland), Kalka Joanna (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Karaouzas Ioannis (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece), Khadim Hussein (University of Baghdad, Iraq), Khan Moonis Ali (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia), Kojić Ivan (University of Belgrade, Serbia), Kongolo Kitala Pierre (University of Lubumbashi, Congo), Kozłowski Kamil (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Poland), Kucharski Mariusz (IUNG Puławy, Poland), Lu Fan (Tongji University, China), Łukaszewski Zenon (Politechnika Poznańska; Wydział Technologii Chemicznej), Majumdar Pradeep (Addis Ababa Sciennce and Technology University, Ethiopia), Mannheim Viktoria (University of Miskolc, Hungary), Markowska-Szczupak Agata (Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej), Mehmood Andleeb (Shenzhen University, China), Mol Marcos (Fundação Ezequiel Dias, Brazil), Mrowiec Bożena (Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, Poland), Nałęcz-Jawecki Grzegorz (Zakład Toksykologii i Bromatologii, Wydział Farmaceutyczny, WUM), Ochowiak Marek (Politechnika Poznańska, Poland), Ogbaga Chukwuma (Nile University of Nigeria, Nigeria), Oleniacz Robert (AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland), Pan Ligong (Northeast Forestry University, China) Paruch Adam (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway), Pietras Dariusz (ATH Bielsko-Biała, Poland), Piotrowska-Seget Zofia (Uniwersytet Ślaski, Polska), Płaza Grażyna (IETU Katowice, Poland), Pohl Alina (IPIS PAN Zabrze, Poland), Poikane Sandra (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy), Poluszyńska Joanna (Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Poland), Dudzińska Marzenna (Katedra Jakości Powietrza Wewnętrznego i Zewnętrznego, Politechnika Lubelska), Rawtani Deepak (National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar, India) Rehman Khalil (GC Women University Sialkot, Pakistan), Rogowska Weronika (Bialystok University of Technology, Poland), Rzeszutek Mateusz (AGH, Wydział Geodezji Górniczej i Inżynierii Środowiska, Katedra Kształtowania i Ochrony Środowiska), Saenboonruang Kiadtisak (Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok), Sebakhy Khaled (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Sengupta D.K. (Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar. India), Shao Jing (Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chile), Sočo Eleonora (Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland), Sojka Mariusz (Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland), Sonesten Lars (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden), Song Wencheng (Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Medical Physics and Technology, Chinese), Song ZhongXian (Henan University of Urban Construction, China), Spiak Zofia (Uniwersyet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Poland), Srivastav Arun (Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, India), Steliga Teresa (Instytut Nafty i Gazu -Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Poland), Surmacz-Górska Joanna (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Świątkowski Andrzej (Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Poland), Symanowicz Barbara (Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland), Szklarek Sebastian (European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology, Polish Academy of Sciences), Tabina Amtul (GC University,Lahore, Pakistan), Tang Lin (Hunan University, China), Torrent Sergi (Innovación, Aigües de Manresa, S.A, Manresa, Spain, Spain), Trafiałek Joanna (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland), Vijay U. (Department of Microb, Jaipur, India, India), Vojtkova Hana (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic), Wang Qi (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Wielgosiński Grzegorz (Wydziału Inżynierii Procesowej i Ochrony Środowiska, Politechnika Łódzka), Wilk Pawel (IMGW-PIB, Poland), Wiśniewska Marta (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland), Yin Xianqiang (Northwest A&F University, Yangling China), Zając Grzegorz (University Of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland), Zalewski Maciej (European Regional Centre for Ecohydrologyunder the auspices of UNESCO, Poland), Zegait Rachid (Ziane Achour University of Djelfa), Zerafat Mohammad (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran), Zgórska Aleksandra (Central Mining Institute, Poland), Zhang Chunhui (China University of Mining & Technology, China), Zhang Wenbo (Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou China), Zhu Guocheng (Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, China), Zwierzchowski Ryszard (Zakład Systemów Ciepłowniczych i Gazowniczych, Politechnika Warszawska)

All Reviewers in 2021

Adamkiewicz Łukasz, Aksoy Özlem, Alwaeli Mohamed, Aneta Luczkiewicz, Anielak Anna, Antonkiewicz Jacek, Avino Pasquale, Babbar Deepakshi, Badura Marek, Bajda Tomasz, Biedka Paweł, Błaszczak Barbara, Bodzek Michał, Bogacki Jan, Burszta-Adamiak Ewa, Cheng Gan, Chojecka Agnieszka, Chrzanowski Łukasz, Chwojnowski Andrzej, Ciesielczuk Tomasz, Cimochowicz-Rybicka Małgorzata, Curren Emily, Cydzik-Kwiatkowska Agnieszka, Czajka Agnieszka, Danielewicz Jan, Dannowski Ralf, Daoud Mounir, Değermenci Gökçe, Dejan Dragan, Deluchat Véronique, Demirbaş Ahmet, Dong Shuying, Dudzińska Marzenna, Dunalska Julita, Franus Wojciech, G. Uchrin Christopher, Generowicz Agnieszka, Gębicki Jacek, Giergiczny Zbigniew, Gierszewski Piotr, Glińska-Lewczuk Katarzyna, Godłowska Jolanta, Gokalp Fulya, Gospodarek Janina, Górecki Tadeusz, Grabińska-Sota Elżbieta, Grifoni M., Gromiec Marek, Guo Xuetao, Gusiatin Zygmunt, Hartmann Peter, He Jianzhong, He Yong, Heese Tomasz, Hybská Helena, Imhoff Silvia, Iurchenko Valentina, Jabłońska-Czapla Magdalena, Janowski Mirosław, Jordanov Igor, Jóżwiakowski Krzysztof, Juśkiewicz Włodzimierz, Kabsch-Korbutowicz Małgorzata, Kalinowski Radosław, Kalka Joanna, Kapusta Paweł, Karczewska Anna, Karczmarczyk Agnieszka, Kicińska Alicja, Kiciński Jan, Kijowska-Strugała Małgorzata, Klejnowski Krzysztof, Kłosok-Bazan Iwona, Kolada Agnieszka, Konieczny Krystyna, Kostecki Maciej, Kowalczewska-Madura Katarzyna, Kowalczuk Marek, Kozielska Barbara, Kozłowski Kamil, Krzemień Alicja, Kulig Andrzej, Kwaśny Justyna, Kyzioł-Komosińska Joanna, Ledakowicz Stanislaw, Leites Luchese Claudia, Leszczyńska-Sejda Katarzyna, Li Mingyang, Liu Chao, Mahmood Khalid, Majewska-Nowak Katarzyna, Makisha Nikolay, Malina Grzegorz, Markowska-Szczupak Agata, Mocek Andrzej, Mokrzycki Eugeniusz, Molenda Tadeusz, Molkenthin Frank, Mosquera Corral Anuska, Muhmood Atif, Myrta Anna, Narayanasamy Selvaraju, Nzila Alexis, OIkuski Tadeusz, Oleniacz Robert, Pacyna Jozef, Pająk Tadeusz, Pal Subodh Chandra, Panagopoulos Argyris, Paruch Adam, Paszkowski Waldemar, Pawęska Katarzyna, Paz-Ferreiro Jorge, Paździor Katarzyna, Pempkowiak Janusz, Piątkiewicz Wojciech, Piechowicz Janusz, Piotrowska-Seget Zofia, Pisoni E., Piwowar Arkadiusz, Pleban Dariusz, Policht-Latawiec Agnieszka, Polkowska Żaneta, Poluszyńska Joanna, Rajca Mariola, Reizer Magdalena, Riesgo Fernández Pedro, Rith Monorom, Rybicki Stanisław, Rydzkowski Tomasz, Rzepa Grzegorz, Rzeźnik Wojciech, Rzętała Mariusz, Sabovljevic Marko, Scudiero Rosaria, Sekret Robert, Sheng Yanqing, Sławomir Stelmach, Słowik Leszek, Sočo Eleonora, Sojka Mariusz, Sophonrat Nanta, Sówka Izabela, Spiak Zofia, Stachowski Piotr, Stańczyk-Mazanek Ewa, Stebel Adam, Sulieman Magboul, Surmacz-Górska Joanna, Szalinska van Overdijk Ewa, Szczerbowski Radosław, Szetela Ryszard, Szopińska Kinga, Szymański Kazimierz, Ślipko Katarzyna, Tepe Yalçin, Tórz Agnieszka, Tyagi Uplabdhi, Uliasz-Bocheńczyk Alicja, Urošević Mira, Uzarowicz Łukasz, Vakili Mohammadtaghi, Van Harreveld A.P., Voutchkova Denitza, Wang Gang, Wang X.K., Werbińska-Wojciechowska Sylwia, Wiatkowski Mirosław, Wielgosiński Grzegorz, Wilk Pawel, Willner Joanna, Wisniewski Jacek, Wiśniowska Ewa, Włodarczyk-Makuła Maria, Wojciechowska Ewa, Wojnowska-Baryła Irena, Wolska Małgorzata, Wszołek Tadeusz, Wu Yonghua, Yusuf Mohammad, Zuberi Amina, Zuwała Jarosław, Zwoździak Jerzy.

All Reviewers in 2020

Adamiec Ewa, Adamkiewicz Łukasz, Ahammed M. Mansoor, Akcicek Ekrem, Ameur Houari, Anielak Anna, Antonkiewicz Jacek, Avino Pasquale, Badura Marek, Barabasz Wiesław, Barthakur Manoj, Battegazzore Daniele, Biedka Paweł, Bilek Maciej, Bisschop Lieselot, Błaszczak Barbara, Błażejewski Ryszard, Bochoidze Inga, Bodzek Michał, Bogacki Jan, Borella Paola, Borowiak Klaudia, Borralho Teresa, Boyacioglu Hülya, Bunjongsiri Kultida, Burszta-Adamiak Ewa, Calderon Raul, Chatveera Burachat Chatveera, Cheng Gan, Chiwa Masaaki, Chojnicki Józef, Chrzanowski Łukasz, Ciesielczuk Tomasz, Czajka Agnieszka, Czaplicka Marianna, Daoud Mounir, Dąbek Lidia, Değermenci Gökçe, Dejan Dragan, Deluchat Véronique, Dereszewska Alina, Dębowski Marcin, Dong Shuying, Dudzińska Marzenna, Dunalska Julita, Dymaczewski Zbysław, El-Maradny Amr, Farfan-Cabrera Leonardo, Filizok Işık, Franus Wojciech, García-Ávila Fernando, Gariglio N.F., Gaya M.S, Gebicki Jacek, Giergiczny Zbigniew, Glińska-Lewczuk Katarzyna, Gnida Anna, Gospodarek Janina, Grabińska-Sota Elżbieta, Gusiatin Zygmunt, Harnisz Monika, Hartmann Peter, Hawrot-Paw Małgorzata, He Jianzhong, Hirabayashi Satoshi, Hulisz Piotr, Imhoff Silvia, Iurchenko Valentina, Jabłońska-Czapla Magdalena, Jacukowicz-Sobala Irena, Jeż-Walkowiak Joanna, Jordanov Igor, Jóżwiakowski Krzysztof, Kabsch-Korbutowicz Małgorzata, Kajda-Szcześniak Małgorzata, Kalinowski Radosław, Kalka Joanna, Karczewska Anna, Karwowska Ewa, Kim Ki-Hyun, Klejnowski Krzysztof, Klojzy-Karczmarczyk Beata, Korniłłowicz-Kowalska Teresa, Korus Irena, Kostecki Maciej, Koszelnik Piotr, Koter Stanisław, Kowalska Beata, Kowalski Zygmunt, Kozielska Barbara, Krzyżyńska Renata, Kulig Andrzej, Kwarciak-Kozłowska Anna, Kyzioł-Komosińska Joanna, Lagzdins Ainis, Ledakowicz Stanislaw, Ligęza Sławomir, Liu Xingpo, Loga Małgorzata, Łebkowska Maria, Macherzyński Mariusz, Makisha Nikolay, Makowska Małgorzata, Masłoń Adam, Mazur Zbigniew, Michel Monika, Miechówka Anna, Miksch Korneliusz, Mnuchin Nathan, Mokrzycki Eugeniusz, Molkenthin Frank, Mosquera Corral Anuska, Muhmood Atif, Muntean Edward, Myrta Anna, Nahorski Zbigniew, Narayanasamy Selvaraju, Naumczyk Jeremi, Nawalany Marek, Noubactep C., Nowakowski Piotr, Obarska-Pempkowiak Hanna, Orge C.A., Paul Lothar, Pawęska Katarzyna, Paździor Katarzyna, Pempkowiak Janusz, Peña A., Pietr Stanisław, Piotrowska-Seget Zofia, Pisoni E., Płaza Grażyna, Polkowska Żaneta, Reizer Magdalena, Renman Gunno, Rith Monorom, Romanovski Valentin, Rybicki Stanisław, Rydzkowski Tomasz, Rzętała Mariusz, Sadeghi Mahdi, Sakakibara Yutaka, Scudiero Rosaria, Semaan Mary, Seredyński Franciszek, Sergienko Ruslan, Shen Yujun, Sheng Yanqing, Sidełko Robert, Sočo Eleonora, Sojka Mariusz, Sówka Izabela, Spiak Zofia, Stegenta-Dąbrowska Sylwia, Steliga Teresa, Sulieman Magboul, Surmacz-Górska Joanna, Suryadevara Nagaraja, Suska-Malawska Małgorzata, Szalinska van Overdijk Ewa, Szczerbowski Radosław, Szetela Ryszard, Szpyrka Ewa, Szulczyński Bartosz, Szwast Maciej, Szyszlak-Bargłowicz Joanna, Ślipko Katarzyna, Świetlik Ryszard, Tabernacka Agnieszka, Tepe Yalçin, Tobiszewski Marek, Treichel Wiktor, Tyagi Uplabdhi, Uliasz-Bocheńczyk Alicja, Uzarowicz Łukasz, Van Harreveld A.P., Wang X. K., Wasielewski Ryszard, Wiatkowski Mirosław, Wielgosiński Grzegorz, Willner Joanna, Wisniewski Jacek, Witczak Joanna, Witkiewicz Zygfryd, Włodarczyk Małgorzata, Włodarczyk-Makuła Maria, Wojciechowska Ewa, Wojtkowska Małgorzata, Xinhui Duan, Yang Chunping, Yaqian Zhao Yaqian, Załęska-Radziwiłł Monika, Zamorska Justyna, Zasina Damian, Zawadzki Jarosław, Zdeb Monika M., Zheng Guodi, Zhu Ivan X., Ziułkiewicz Maciej, Zuberi Amina, Zwoździak Jerzy, Żabczyński Sebastian, Żukowski Witold, Żygadło Maria.

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