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Podstawową rolą, jaką przypisano nadzorowi morskiemu w nowej polityce morskiej UE, jest bezpieczne korzystanie z morzai zabezpieczenie granic morskich Unii oraz – szerzej – całego kontynentu europejskiego.

Organy nadzoru morskiego prowadzą działania w ramach różnych polityk, takich jak: ochrona rybołówstwa, ochrona środowiska morskiego, bezpieczeństwo transportumorskiego, ochrona granic. W większości wypadków działania te przynoszą, połowiczny efekt, dlatego że opierają się na różnych przepisach prawnych i podlegają różnym resortom.

Obecnie najważniejsze prace związane z tworzeniem sieci nadzoru zintegrowanego sprowadzać się będą do opracowania technicznych i prawnych kwestii umożliwiających tworzenie sieci łączących organy państw UE.

Zintegrowana polityka morska potwierdza rosnące znaczenie spraw morskich dla gospodarki UE.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Justyna Nawrot


The national power industry is based primarily on its own energy mineral resources such as hard and brown coal. Approximately 80% of electrical energy production from these minerals gives us complete energy independence and the cost of its production from coal is the lowest in comparison to other sources. Poland has, for many decades had vast resources of these minerals, the experience of their extraction and processing, the scientific-design facilities and technical factories manufacturing machines and equipment for own needs, as well as for export. Nowadays coal is and should be an important source of electrical energy and heat for the next 25–50 years, because it is one of the most reliable and price acceptable energy sources. This policy may be disturbed over the coming decades due to the depletion of active resources of hard and brown coal. The conditions for new mines development as well as for all coal mining sector development in Poland are very complicated in terms of legislation, environment, economy and image. The authors propose a set of strategic changes in the formal conditions for acquiring mining licenses. The article gives a signal to institutions responsible for national security that without proposed changes implementation in the legal and formal process it, will probably not be possible to build next brown coal, hard coal, zinc and lead ore or other minerals new mines.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zbigniew Kasztelewicz
Antoni Tajduś
Marek Cała
Miranda Ptak
Mateusz Sikora


In the paper finite-dimensional semilinear dynamical control systems described by fractional-order state equations with the Hilfer fractional derivative are discussed. The formula for a solution of the considered systems is presented and derived using the Laplace transform. Bounded nonlinear function �� depending on a state and controls is used. New sufficient conditions for controllability without constraints are formulated and proved using Rothe’s fixed point theorem and the generalized Darbo fixed point theorem. Moreover, the stability property is used to formulate constrained controllability criteria. An illustrative example is presented to give the reader an idea of the theoretical results obtained. A transient process in an electrical circuit described by a system of Hilfer type fractional differential equations is proposed as a possible application of the study.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Beata Sikora

  1. Department of Applied Mathematics, Silesian University of Technology, Kaszubska 23, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

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