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The techniques of photogrammetric reconstruction were compared to the laser scanning in the article. The different conditions and constraints were introduced for reconstructed images, e.g. different materials, lighting condition, camera resolution, number of images in the sequence or using a-pripori calibration. The authors compare the results of surface reconstruction using software tools avaliable for photogrammetric reconstruction. The analysis is preformed for the selected objects with regard to laserscanned models or mathematical models.

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Krzysztof Skabek
Agnieszka Tomaka
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The purpose of this article is to determine the relationship between the principles of subsidiarity and effectiveness and an effective remedy for the excessive length of proceedings within the legal order of the European Convention on Human Rights. The article assumes that these key principles of the ECHR’s legal order have an impact on such a remedy, both in the normative and practical dimensions. This assumption has helped explain many aspects of the Strasbourg case law regarding this remedy. Concerning the relationship of this remedy with the principle of subsidiarity, it raises issues such as: the “reinforcing” of Art. 6 § 1; the “close affinity” of Arts. 13 and 35 § 1; and the arguability test. In turn, through the prism of the principle of effectiveness, the reasonableness criterion and the requirement of diligence in the proceedings are presented, followed by the obligations of States to prevent lengthiness of proceedings and the obligations concerning adequate and sufficient redress for such an excessive length of proceedings. The analysis shows that an effective remedy with respect to the excessive length of proceedings is not a definitive normative item, as the Court consistently adds new elements to its complex structure, taking into account complaints regarding the law and practice of States Parties in the prevention of and compensation for proceedings of an excessive length.

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Elżbieta Morawska
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The knowledge of the dynamic elastic properties of a coal seam is important in the context of various types of calculations of the seam behavior under various stress-strain conditions. These properties are often used in numerical and analytical modeling related to maintaining the stability of excavations and the analysis of mechanisms, e.g. related to the risk of rock bursts. Additionally, during the implementation of seismic surveys, e.g. seismic profiling and seismic tomography in coal seams, the reference values of the elastic properties of coal are used in the calculation of relative stresses in various geological and mining conditions.
The study aims to calculate the dynamic elastic parameters of the coal seam located at a depth of 1,260 m in one of the hard coal mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). Basic measurements of the velocity of P- and S-waves were conducted using the seismic profiling method. These surveys are unique due to the lack of the velocity wave values in the coal seam at such a great depth in the USBC and difficult measurement conditions in a coal mine. As a result, dynamic modulus of elasticity was calculated, such as Young’s modulus, volumetric strain modulus, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio. The volumetric density of coal used for calculations was determined on the basis of laboratory tests on samples taken in the area of the study. The research results showed that the calculated mean P-wave velocity of 2,356 m/s for the depth of 1,260 m is approximately consistent with the empirical relationship obtained by an earlier study. The P-wave velocity can be taken as the reference velocity at a depth of approx. 1,260 m in the calculation of the seismic anomaly in the seismic profiling method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Krawiec

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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In this paper I will present an analysis of the semantic bias in partially-directed compound words (PCWs) in modern Chinese. As a very special type of compound words, PCWs are of great value to the study of modern Chinese. They can prove and reveal the inseparable relationship between ancient Chinese and modern Chinese. Furthermore, we can judge the cultural psychology of Chinese nation through the analysis of the bias feature.

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Chen Jing
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Weak verbs in Modern English are sometimes mistakenly identifi ed with regular verbs. Although most weak verbs are indeed regular, there remain some which belong to the irregular group, for example spend, put, make, burn. Apart from drawing a clearer distinction between strong and weak verbs in relation to the regular and irregular division, the aim of this paper is to explain where the irregularity of these irregular weak verbs comes from and to gather possible relicts still present in Modern English. The paper discusses 56 such irregular weak verbs without vowel alternations and 9 archaisms preserving traces of such infl ection. The 56 irregular weak verbs are divided into groups according to the patterns they display and they are additionally marked depend-ing on whether: (1) they have less common irregular preterite and past participle forms, which can be labelled as “literary”or“poetic,” (2) they are literary themselves, (3) they have irregular preterite and past participle forms chiefl y in North American English, (4) they have regular variants. The initial plan included all irregular verbs but the extent of the problem coupled with the editorial limitations as to the size of the paper led to the following decisions: first, to exclude the irregular strong verbs and save them for later analyses, and then, in the remaining irregular weak ones, to remove all those with vowel alternations (like keep, seek, lose, say) and to concentrate on the verbs without vowel alternations (investigated in the present paper). It is hoped that the aims of this paper as well as their realization can serve to make the content of the historical grammar course more meaningful to students by linking it to the problems present in Modern English and to the why-questions related to the subject of their studies.

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Mikołaj Rychło
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The research system of soils for evaluation of the ecological state of farm-land soils in Poland is presented in this paper. Granulometrie composition, pH, organic matter content and the content of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in soils were determined. On the basis of existing criteria (tab. 1) the state of soil pollution with heavy metals for separate provinces and whole country was estimated. The average heavy metal contents (mg/kg) in surface layer of soils in Poland are as follows: Cd-0.21, Cu-6.5, Ni-6.2, Pb-13.6, and Zn-32.4. The farm-land soils of Poland generally contain natural and slightly elevated level of the investigated heavy metals. This allows to produce high quality of agricultural materials appropriate for consumption and feeding of animals.
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Henryk Terelak
Arkadiusz Tujaka
Teresa Motowicka-Terelak
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The quantitative evaluation of environmental impact of emission sources is an important step of integrated modeling and the air quality decision support. The problem is especially difficult in the case of a complex, multi-source emission field. The approach discussed in the paper is based on the forecasts of the Eulerian type models of air pollution transport. The aim is to get a quantitative assessment of the contribution of the selected sources, according to the specified, environmental objective function. The approach utilizes the optimal control technique for distributed parameter systems. The adjoint equation, related to the main transport equation of the forecasting model, is applied to calculate the sensitivity of the cost function to the emission intensity of the specified sources. An example implementation of a regional scale, multi-layer dynamic model of SO, transport is discussed as the main forecasting tool. The test computations have been performed for a set of the -major power plants in a selected industrial region of Poland.
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Piotr Holnicki
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Condition monitoring in a centrifugal pump is a significant field of study in industry. The acoustic method offers a robust approach to detect cavitations in different pumps. As a result, an acoustic-based technique is used in this experiment to predict cavitation. By using an acoustic technique, detailed information on outcomes can be obtained for cavitation detection under a variety of conditions. In addition, various features are used in this work to analyze signals in the time domain using the acoustic technique. A signal in the frequency domain is also investigated using the fast Fourier method. This method has shown to be an effective tool for predicting future events. In addition, this experimental investigation attempts to establish a good correlation between noise characteristics and cavitation detection in a pump by using an acoustic approach. Likewise, it aims to find a good method for estimating cavitation levels in a pump based on comparing and evaluating different systems.
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Ahmed Ramadhan Al-Obaidi

  1. Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
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The profile differences of zinc, copper, and nickel contents in forest podzolic soils on South-Podlasie Lowland wen: studied. Their considerable differentiation was found. Contents and differentiation of analyzed heavy metals in studied soil horizons were determined by: parents rock and soil-forming processes (mainly podzolization) characteristic for those soils.
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Dorota Kalembasa
Marcin Becher
Krzysztof Pakuła
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The field of plant pathology has adopted targeted genome editing technology as one of its most crucial and effective genetic tools. Due to its simplicity, effectiveness, versatility, CRISPR together with CRISPR-associated proteins found in an adaptive immune system of prokaryotes have recently attracted the interest of the scientific world. Plant disease resistance must be genetically improved for sustainable agriculture. Plant biology and biotechnology have been transformed by genome editing, which makes it possible to perform precise and targeted genome modifications. Editing offers a fresh approach by genetically enhancing plant disease resistance and quickening resistance through breeding. It is simpler to plan and implement, has a greater success rate, is more adaptable and less expensive than other genome editing methods. Importantly CRISPR/Cas9 has recently surpassed plant science as well as plant disease. After years of research, scientists are currently modifying and rewriting genomes to create crop plants which are immune to particular pests and diseases. The main topics of this review are current developments in plant protection using CRISPR/Cas9 technology in model plants and commodities in response to viral, fungal, and bacterial infections, as well as potential applications and difficulties of numerous promising CRISPR/Cas9-adapted approaches.
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Kallol Das
1 2
Benjamin Yaw Ayim
Natasza Borodynko-Filas
Srijan Chandra Das
F.M. Aminuzzaman

  1. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
  2. Department of Plant Pathology, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
  3. Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate, Ashanti 23321, Ghana
  4. Plant Disease Clinic and Bank of Pathogens, Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Poznan, Poland
  5. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Rice Farming System Division, Regional Station, Gopalganj, Bangladesh
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In this study, the thermal conductivity ratio model for metallic oxide based nano-fluids is proposed. The model was developed by considering the thermal conductivity as a function of particle concentration (percentage volume), temperature, particle size and thermal conductivity of the base fluid and nano-particles. The experimental results for Al2O3, CuO, ZnO, and TiO2 particles dispersed in ethylene glycol, water and a combination of both were adopted from the literature. Artificial neural network (ANN) and power law models were developed and compared with the experimental data based on statistical methods. ANOVA was used to determine the relative importance of contributing factors, which revealed that the concentration of nano-particles in a fluid is the single most important contributing factor of the conductivity ratio.
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Mohammad Hanief
Qureshi Irfan
Malik Parvez

  1. Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India
  2. Chemical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India
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Liquid-gas flows in pipelines appear in many industrial processes, e.g. in the nuclear, mining, and oil industry. The gamma-absorption technique is one of the methods that can be successfully applied to study such flows. This paper presents the use of the gamma-absorption method to determine the water-air flow parameters in a horizontal pipeline. Three flow types were studied in this work: plug, transitional plug-bubble, and bubble one. In the research, a radiometric set consisting of two Am-241 sources and two NaI(TI) scintillation detectors have been applied. Based on the analysis of the signals from both scintillation detectors, the gas phase velocity was calculated using the cross-correlation method (CCM). The signal from one detector was used to determine the void fraction and to recognise the flow regime. In the latter case, a Multi-Layer Perceptron-type artificial neural network (ANN) was applied. To reduce the number of signal features, the principal component analysis (PCA) was used. The expanded uncertainties of gas velocity and void fraction obtained for the flow types studied in this paper did not exceed 4.3% and 7.4% respectively. All three types of analyzed flows were recognised with 100% accuracy. Results of the experiments confirm the usefulness of the gamma-ray absorption method in combination with radiometric signal analysis by CCM and ANN with PCA for comprehensive analysis of liquid-gas flow in the pipeline.
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Robert Hanus
Marcin Zych
Volodymyr Mosorov
Anna Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk
Marek Jaszczur
Artur Andruszkiewicz

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Powstanców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  3. Łódz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science, Zeromskiego 116, 90-537 Łódz, Poland
  4. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
  5. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Energy and Fuels, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  6. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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The arbitrary waveform generator is characterised by its flexible signal generation, high frequency resolution and rapid frequency switching speed and is wildly used in fields like communication, radar systems, quantum control, astronautics and biomedicine.With continuous development of technology, higher requirements are placed on to the arbitrary waveform generator. Sampling rate determines the bandwidth of the output signal, spurious-free dynamic range determines the quality of generated signal. Due to above, these two indicators’ improvement is vital. However, the existing waveform generation methods cannot generate signals with quality good enough due to their technical limitations, and in order to realize a high system sampling rate, to accomplish waveform generation process in FPGA, multipath parallel structure is needed. Therefore, we proposed a parallel waveform synthesis structure based on digital resampling, which fixed the problems existing in the current methods effectively and achieved a high sampling rate as well as high quality arbitrary waveform synthesis. We also built up an experimental test bench to validate the proposed structure.
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Wenhao Zhao
Shulin Tian
Guangkun Guo
Jiajing You
Qiong Wu
Ke Liu

  1. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, School of Automation Engineering, Chengdu 611731, China
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Ichthyophthiriasis, which is caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich) infections, has a severe impact on productivity in freshwater aquaculture. These infections were previously treated effectively with malachite green, a compound that is now banned on fish farms due to its carcinogenicity. To find efficacious drugs to control Ich, flowers of tansy Tanacetum vulgare were evaluated for their antiprotozoal activity. Tanacetum vulgare extract significantly reduced the survival of Ich trophonts and theronts. In vitro, the extract killed all trophonts at 3200 mg l-1, terminated tomont reproduction at 50 mg l-1, and caused mortality of all theronts at 100 mg l-1. T. vulgare extract may be a new and efficacious drug for the control of Ich.
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1. Buchmann K, Sigh J, Nielsen CV, Dalgaard M (2001) Host responses against the fish parasitizing ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Vet Parasitol 100: 105-116.
2. Fu YW, Zhang QZ, Xu DH, Xia H, Cai XX, Wang B, Liang J (2014) Parasiticidal effects of Morus alba root bark extracts against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis infecting grass carp. Dis Aquat Organ 108: 129-136.
3. Kumar V, Tyagi D (2013) Chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils of genus Tanacetum − a review. J Pharm Phytochem 2: 155-159.
4. Lahnsteiner F, Weismann T (2007) Treatment of ichthyophthiriasis in rainbow trout and common carp with common and alternative therapeutics. J Aquat Anim Health 19: 186-194.
5. Puk K, Guz L (2014) Effects of medical plant extracts on the growth of the fish parasite Spironucleus vortens. Med Weter 70: 165-168.
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K. Puk
L. Guz

  1. Department of Fish Diseases and Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Life Sciences, Akademicka 12, 20-033 Lublin, Poland
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Upper Turonian to lower Coniacian marls of the Strehlen Formation of the Graupa 60/1 core were investigated for their foraminiferal content to add stratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental information about the transitional facies zone of the Saxonian Cretaceous Basin. Further comparison with foraminiferal faunas of the Brausnitzbach Marl (Schrammstein Formation) were carried out to clarify its relationship to the marls of the Graupa 60/1 core. Tethyan agglutinated marker species for the late Turonian to early Coniacian confirm the proposed age of the marls of the Graupa 60/1 core and the Brausnitzbach Marl. The palaeoenvironment of the marls reflects middle to outer shelf conditions. The maximum flooding zones of genetic sequences TUR6, TUR7 and CON1 could be linked to acmes of foraminiferal species and foraminiferal morphogroups. In general, a rise of the relative sea-level can be recognised from the base to the top of the marls of the Graupa 60/1 core. While agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages suggest a generally high organic matter influx and variable but high productivity in the Graupa 60/1 core, the Brausnitzbach Marl deposition was characterized by moderate productivity and a generally shallower water depth.
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Richard M. Besen
Mareike Achilles
Mauro Alivernini
Thomas Voigt
Peter Frenzel
Ulrich Struck
3 4

  1. Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Malteserstraße 74-100, 12249 Berlin, Germany
  2. Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Institute of Earth Sciences, Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Germany
  3. Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Malteserstraße 74-100, 12249 Berlin
  4. Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany
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This paper demonstrates that if a linear dependence of arc dissipated power on power supplied is introduced at an initial stage of analysis, then, with some simplifying assumptions, the classical Mayr model is obtained. Similarly, if this dependence is taken into account in a model with residual conductance, the modified Mayr model is obtained. The study takes into consideration the local phenomenon of sudden voltage drop accompanying linear current decrease occurring in the circuit breaker. To account for this phenomenon, the Dirac delta function and its approximation by a Gaussian function, representing power or enthalpy disturbances, are introduced to the power balance equation. It is demonstrated that both variants yield the same effect, leading to identical differential equations. Macromodels of the circuit-breaker arc are created and connected with the power source circuit with lin- early decreasing current. The results obtained were found to be consistent with experimental data available in the literature. The models presented are based on a fairly uncomplicated 1st order differential equation and offer a straightforward physical interpretation of the phenomena in question.

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Antoni Sawicki
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In order to solve the problem of harmonic waves caused by battery energy storage (BES) and distributed generation (DG) inverters in an active distribution network, an intelligent optimal dispatching method based on a modified flower pollination algorithm (MFPA) is proposed. Firstly, the active distribution network dispatching model considering the power quality (PQ) problem caused by BES and DG is proposed. In this model, the objective function considers the additional network loss caused by a harmonic wave, as well as the constraints of the harmonic wave and voltage unbalance. Then, the MFPA is an improvement of a flower pollination algorithm (FPA). Because the MFPA has the characteristics of higher solution accuracy and better convergence than the FPA and it is not easy to fall into local optimal, the MFPA is used to solve the proposed model. Finally, simulation experiments are carried out on IEEE 37 bus and IEEE 123 bus systems, respectively. The experimental results show that this method can achieve satisfactory power quality while optimizing the total active power loss of the branch. The comparative experimental results show that the developed algorithm has better convergence than the FPA.

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Haiqing Liu
Jinmeng Qu
Shanshan Yang
Yuancheng Li
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This paper takes a 50 kW interior permanent magnet brushless DC motor as an example, and explores the influence of the degree of stator slot skew on the overall motor magnetic density and air gap magnetic density; then reveals the influences of stator slot skewed structure on a series of key electromagnetic properties like no-load back electromotive force (B-EMF), cogging torque, electromagnetic torque, torque fluctuation, electromagnetic loss, input power, output power and operating efficiency. On this basis, a relatively best range of the skew degrees is obtained. The research work in this paper has direct reference value for the further improvement of design and manufacture, operation and maintenance, control and protection of such motors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Xue-gui Gan
Zhen-nan Fan
Jing-can Li

  1. The Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery, Ministry of Education, Xihua University, Chengdu, China
  2. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
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For conventional diesel engines, two of the most widely used global correlations are due to Woschni and Hohenberg. Besides, the modern diesel engines used a new heat transfer coefficient correlation was proposed by Finol and Robinson. In Vietnam, improving engine power density is a trend of improving non-turbocharged base engines by using a supercharging system with exhaust gas energy recovery. Increasing engine power by the turbocharger is limited for two reasons: mechanical stress and thermal stress of the components surrounding the combustion chamber. In general, the heat transfer coefficient has a major effect on heat transfer rate, especially during the combustion process. So, the purpose of this study is to compare the cylinder distribution results from the simulation using the equations of Woschni and Hohenberg and compare to the experiment results when converting an old heavy-duty engine into a turbocharged engine. Results show that the cylinder distribution using Hohenberg’s correlation has a good agreement with the experiment results, especially in the case of a turbocharged engine.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kien Nguyen Trung
1 2

  1. Phenikaa University, Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Yen Nghia Ward, Ha-Dong District, Hanoi 12116, Vietnam
  2. Phenikaa Research and Technology Institute, A&A Green Phoenix Group JSC, 167 Hoang Ngan, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi 11313, Vietnam
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With a minimum of necessary theorizing, an attempt is made to introduce a notion of Shakespeare's ellipsis which turns aside its usual overapplicability. From a variety of proposals grows a synthesis thereof, accentuating, it is hoped, a most scientifically attractive strain in the behavior of ellipsis - its contextual dependence. A preliminary look at Early Modem English, and Shakespeare's against it, prompts comments and warnings in the direction of greater relevance to my guidelines for recognizing instances of ellipsis.
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Joanna Nykiel
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The paper illustrates a case study of fluid selection for an internal combustion engine heat recovery organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system having the net power of about 30 kW. Various criteria of fluid selection are discussed. Particular attention is paid to thermodynamic performance of the system and human safety. The selection of working fluid for the ORC system has a large impact on the next steps of the design process, i.e., the working substance affects the turbine design and the size and type of heat exchangers. The final choice is usually a compromise between thermodynamic performance, safety and impact on natural environment. The most important parameters in thermodynamic analysis include calculations of net generated power and ORC cycle efficiency. Some level of toxicity and flammability can be accepted only if the leakages are very low. The fluid thermal stability level has to be taken into account too. The economy is a key aspect from the commercial point of view and that includes not only the fluid cost but also other costs which are the consequence of particular fluid selection. The paper discusses various configurations of the ORC system – with and without a regenerator and with direct or indirect evaporation. The selected working fluids for the considered particular power plant include toluene, DMC (dimethyl carbonate) and MM (hexamethyldisiloxane). Their advantages and disadvantages are outlined.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Klimaszewski
Dawid Zaniewski
Łukasz Witanowski
Tomasz Suchocki
Piotr Klonowicz
Piotr Lampart
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Thermochemical treatment processes are used to produce a surface layer of the workpiece with improved mechanical properties. One of the important parameters during the gas nitriding processes is the temperature of the surface. In thermochemical treatment processes, there is a problem in precisely determining the surface temperature of heat-treated massive components with complex geometries. This paper presents a simulation of the heating process of a die used to extrude aluminium profiles. The maximum temperature differences calculated in the die volume, on the surface and at the most mechanically stressed edge during the extrusion of the aluminum profiles were analysed. The heating of the die was simulated using commercial transient thermal analysis software. The numerical calculations of the die assumed a boundary condition in the form of the heat transfer coefficient obtained from experimental studies in a thermochemical treatment furnace and the solution of the nonstationary and non-linear inverse problem for the heat conduction equation in the cylinder. The die heating analysis was performed for various heating rates and fan settings. Major differences in the surface temperature and in the volume of the heated die were obtained. Possible ways to improve the productivity and control of thermochemical treatment processes were identified. The paper investigates the heating of a die, which is a massive component with complex geometry. This paper indicates a new way to develop methods for the control of thermochemical processing of massive components with complex geometries.
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Authors and Affiliations

Damian Joachimiak
Wojciech Judt
Magda Joachmiak

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Engineering, Piotrowo 3a, 60-965, Poznan, Poland
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This paper explores cost-effective alternatives for resource-constrained environments in the context of language models by investigating methods such as quantization and CPUbased model implementations. The study addresses the computational efficiency of language models during inference and the development of infrastructure for text document processing. The paper discusses related technologies, the CLARIN-PL infrastructure architecture, and implementations of small and large language models. The emphasis is on model formats, data precision, and runtime environments (GPU and CPU). It identifies optimal solutions through extensive experimentation. In addition, the paper advocates for a more comprehensive performance evaluation approach. Instead of reporting only average token throughput, it suggests considering the curve’s shape, which can vary from constant to monotonically increasing or decreasing functions. Evaluating token throughput at various curve points, especially for different output token counts, provides a more informative perspective.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bartosz Walkowiak
Tomasz Walkowiak

  1. Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland

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