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Diseases of Woody Ornamentals and Trees in Nurseries. Edited by R.K. Jones and D.M. Benson. 2001. APS Press - The American Pbytopathological Society, St. Paul, 482 pp. Price $ 88.00. ISBN 0-89504-264-2.
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Jerzy J. Lipa
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Sharma S.B. (Ed.) 1998. The Cyst Nematodes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 452 pp., ISBN 0412 755300
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Stefan Kornobis
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The article aims to present the scope of influence of Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) on the sustainable development of urban functional areas (FUAs) in Poland. Against the background of the general principles of the implementation of the both instruments, practical aspects of the implementation of ITI in FUAs have been presented. Detailed analyses in the financial and spatial aspect were carried out using the Sustainable Development Indicators (SDI). These provided the basis for presenting the practical aspect of supporting the sustainable development of urban functional areas in the EU Cohesion Policy 2014–2020.

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Dagmara Kociuba
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The paper presents two algorithms as a solution to the problem of identifying fraud intentions of a customer. Their purpose is to generate variables that contribute to fraud models’ predictive power improvement. In this article, a novel approach to the feature engineering, based on anomaly detection, is presented. As the choice of statistical model used in the research improves predictive capabilities of a solution to some extent, most of the attention should be paid to the choice of proper predictors. The main finding of the research is that model enrichment with additional predictors leads to the further improvement of predictive power and better interpretability of anti-fraud model. The paper is a contribution to the fraud prediction problem but the method presented may generate variable input to every tool equipped with variableselection algorithm. The cost is the increased complexity of the models obtained. The approach is illustrated on a dataset from one of the European banks.

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Damian Przekop
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This paper presents the beam tracing with refraction method, developed to examine the possibility of creating the beam tracing simulation of sound propagation in environments with piecewise non- homogenous media. The beam tracing with refraction method (BTR) is developed as an adaptive beam tracing method that simulates not only the reflection but also the refraction of sound. The scattering and the diffraction of sound are not simulated. The BTR employs 2D and 3D topology in order to efficiently simulate scenes containing non-convex media. After the beam tracing is done all beams are stored in a beam tree and kept in the computer memory. The level of sound intensity at the beginning of each beam is also memorized. This beam data structure enables fast recalculation of results for stationary source and geometry. The BTR was compared with two commercial ray tracing simulations, to check the speed of BTR algorithms. This comparison demonstrated that the BTR has a performance similar to state-of- the-art room-acoustics simulations. To check the ability to simulate refraction, the BTR was compared with a commercial Finite Elements Method (FEM) simulation. In this comparison the BTR simulated the focusing of the ultrasound with an acoustic lens, with good accuracy and excellent performance.

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Marjan Sikora
Ivo Mateljan
Nikola Bogunović
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Widely used CFD codes enable modelling of PC boilers operation. One of the areas where these numerical simulations are especially promising is predicting deposition on heat transfer surfaces, mostly superheaters. The basic goal of all simulations is to determine trajectories of ash particles in the vicinity of superheater tubes. It results in finding where on the surface the tube will be hit by particles, and what diameter and mass flow of the particles are. This paper presents results of CFD simulations for a single tube and a bundle of in-line tubes as well. It has been shown that available parameters like ash particle density, shape factor, reflection coefficients affect the trajectories in a different way. All the simulations were carried out with Fluent code of Ansys software.

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Krzysztof Wacławiak
Sylwester Kalisz
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This article presents changes in the operating parameters of a combined gas-steam cycle with a CO2 capture installation and flue gas recirculation. Parametric equations are solved in a purpose-built mathematical model of the system using the Ebsilon Professional code. Recirculated flue gases from the heat recovery boiler outlet, after being cooled and dried, are fed together with primary air into the mixer and then into the gas turbine compressor. This leads to an increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the flue gases fed into the CO2 capture installation from 7.12 to 15.7%. As a consequence, there is a reduction in the demand for heat in the form of steam extracted from the turbine for the amine solution regeneration in the CO2 capture reactor. In addition, the flue gas recirculation involves a rise in the flue gas temperature (by 18 K) at the heat recovery boiler inlet and makes it possible to produce more steam. These changes contribute to an increase in net electricity generation efficiency by 1%. The proposed model and the obtained results of numerical simulations are useful in the analysis of combined gas-steam cycles integrated with carbon dioxide separation from flue gases.

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Tadeusz Chmielniak
Paweł Mońka
Paweł Pilarz
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The aim of this article is a critical analysis of Peter F. Strawson’s theory of primitiveness of the concept of person contained in the third chapter of the Individuals. The problems associated with the distinction between M-predicates and P-predicates are pointed out. The article shows different ways of understanding primitiveness of the concept of person, and points to gaps in Strawson’s argumentation and to the dubious potential of the theory if it is used to solve some basic problems in philosophy of mind. It also deals with some of the difficulties outlined, but does not propose to solve them all.

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Andrzej Stępnik
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The low-frequency optical-signal phase noise induced by mechanical vibration of the base occurs in field-deployed fibers. Typical telecommunication data transfer is insensitive to this type of noise but the phenomenon may influence links dedicated to precise Time and Frequency (T&F) fiber-optic transfer that exploit the idea of stabilization of phase or propagation delay of the link. To measure effectiveness of suppression of acoustic noise in such a link, a dedicated measurement setup is necessary. The setup should enable to introduce a low-frequency phase corruption to the optical signal in a controllable way. In the paper, a concept of a setup in which the mechanically induced acoustic-band optical signal phase corruption is described and its own features and measured parameters are presented. Next, the experimental measurement results of the T&F transfer TFTS-2 system’s immunity as a function of the fibre-optic length vs. the acoustic-band noise are presented. Then, the dependency of the system immunity on the location of a noise source along the link is also pointed out.

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Łukasz Śliwczyński
Przemysław Krehlik
Marcin Lipiński
Łukasz Buczek
Jacek Kołodziej
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One of the most common reasons for horse lameness is subchondral bone cysts (SBCs), which are especially evident in young horse athletes. It is believed that SBC development is strongly associated with an individual’s bone growth and/or bone microstructure impairment. Current methods of SBC treatment include pharmacological treatment or surgical procedures which may allow the bone within the cyst to rebuild and be restored to properly developed bone tissue. Thus, we propose filling the SBCs with a 3D complex of alginate hydrogel and autologous adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs). We have observed at the in vitro level, that this hydrogel complex induces osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation potential through the upregulation of bone morphogenetic protein, osteopontin, collagen type I and aggrecan mRNA levels. Moreover, we detected the creation of a 3D extracellular matrix (EM). To investigate the complex in vivo, we chose 8 horses of varying age suffering from SBC, which resulted in lameness, to undergo experimental surgery. We documented the horses’ clinical appearance, lameness and radiographic appearance, to determine that there was clinical improvement in 87.75% of the patients (n=7, out of 8 horses) 6 months postoperatively and 100% (n=8, out of 8 horses) a year after surgery. These results are promising for the potential of this procedure to become the standard in SBC treatment.
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P. Golonka
M. Szklarz
M. Kusz
M. Marędziak
J.M. Irwin Houston
K. Marycz
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Traditional fluid mechanics edifies the indifference between liquid and gas flows as long as certain similarity parameters – most prominently the Reynolds number – are matched. This may or may not be the case for flows in nano- or microdevices. The customary continuum, Navier-Stokes modelling is ordinarily applicable for both air and water flowing in macrodevices. Even for common fluids such as air or water, such modelling bound to fail at sufficiently small scales, but the onset for such failure is different for the two forms of matter. Moreover, when the no-slip, quasi-equilibrium Navier – Stokes system is no longer applicable, the alternative modelling schemes are different for gases and liquids. For dilute gases, statistical methods are applied and the Boltzmann equation is the cornerstone of such approaches. For liquid flows, the dense nature of the matter precludes the use of the kinetic theory of gases, and numerically intensive molecular dynamics simulations are the only alternative rooted in first principles. The present article discusses the above issues, emphasizing the differences between liquid and gas transport at the microscale and the physical phenomena unique to liquid flows in minute devices.

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M. Gad-El-Hak
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The influence of bandwidth of OPA on frequency characteristics was investigated in this paper. The analysis of frequency properties was carried out for two exemplary structures. For operational amplifier it was assumed a typical frequency macromodel with 1-pole characteristic. Deformation of the frequency characteristic and the structure bandwidth in dependence on amplifiers bandwidth were analyzed. It was proved that shape of the characteristic to some degree depends on some elements values. The procedure was proposed for optimal choice of the values of (RC) elements, that ensures the characteristic is most approached to ideal one. Optimal values of these (RC) elements ensure that the characteristic of structures do not have any distortion in all frequencies, and these structures can be used in high frequency applications.

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T. Adrikowski
M. Pasko
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The text concerns the production of coins in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto (a Jewish ghetto established in the Polish city of Łódź by the German Nazi authorities). In 2019, the author contacted Mordechai Brown, who participated in the production as a 14-year-old boy. The present article has been based on his personal account. In addition, the results of the XRF analyses of the Łódź Ghetto coins have been presented.
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Michał M. Zagórowski
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Commemorative sites, as special works of architecture, have their symbolic form and metaphor. The history of the project Everything to Eternity by Kristinn E. Hrafnsson and Studio Granda is a reflection on the process of designing a monument to a girl who died tragically. It presents the process by which a private commission led to a place that combines Iceland’s heritage with contemporaneity, giving a new social dimension to the resulting space. The monument is an honour, but is also a guiding sign to and background for the commemorative site on the Álftanes Peninsula in Iceland. The artistic, architectural, urban and ecological significance of the project is an indicator to designers as to how to interpret place-based context when creating a new form.
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Katarzyna Banasik-Petri

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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Ecumenical Dimension of Theological Method


The article deals with the theme of the ecumenical dimension of theological method. Since the union of Christians should be based on looking for the fullness of Christian truth, each good theologian undertakes his work recognizing its ecumenical character. He is open to the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the voice of the Hierarchical Magisterium and the sense of the faithful. He wants to understand in a systematic and methodical way the common faith of all Christians. In consequence, to be a Christian theologian means to be ecumenical.

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Ks. Marek Skierkowski

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Andrzej Pisowicz
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In-group identification is necessary for in-group members to take responsibility for the past transgressions of the in-group. However, even among high identifiers, the reactions to reminders of the in-group’s transgression may differ depending on the beliefs members hold about their in-group. Results of a cross-sectional study (N = 441), indicate that collective narcissism (i.e., a belief that the in-group’s importance is not sufficiently recognized by others) versus in-group satisfaction (i.e., a belief that the in-group is of high value and a reason to be proud of) have opposite unique associations with the evaluation of the artistic value of films referring to Polish involvement in pogroms during the Second World War (Ida and The Aftermath, a proxy of an attitude towards knowledge about past national transgressions). Collective narcissism predicted lower, whereas in-group satisfaction predicted higher, perceived artistic value of the films. Those unique relationships could only be observed when the positive association between collective narcissism and in-group satisfaction was partialled out.

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Karolina Dyduch-Hazar
Blazej Mrozinski
Claudia Simão
Agnieszka Golec de Zavala

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