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Na polsko-czeskim odcinku rzeki Odry pomiędzy Chalupkami (Polska) i ujściem rzeki Olzy (Czechy) występują unikalne w europejskiej skali meandry (km 21,3 - 26,8). W XX wieku wystąpiło przerwanie dwóch meandrów podczas powodzi w 1977 i 1997 roku. Nastąpiło skrócenie długości rzeki na tym odcinku oraz wzrost spadku podłużnego. Erodowane i transportowane przez strumień rzeczny rumowisko osadzało się w różnych strefach odcinka meandrującego. Podczas powodzi w 1997 r. osadzające się rumowisko spowodowało zablokowanie wlotu do meandra nr I co spowodowało jego przerwanie. Artykuł prezentuje wstępną ocenę morfologicznych zmian koryta rzeki Odry oraz charakterystykę cech fizycznych i reologicznych osadzonego rumowiska.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Robert Głowski
Robert Kasperek
Włodzimierz Parzonka
Mirosław Wiatkowski


The aim of this study was to determine the effects of factors such as sex, eye-side and diurnal variation on intraocular pressure (IOP) values measured by Tono-Pen Vet® in healthy calves. Twenty four (12 males, 12 females) calves were used in this study. IOP measurements were per- formed in the morning (6:00 a.m.) and at night (8:00 p.m). Average IOP values in all calves were measured as 17.67±2.64 mmHg in the morning and 15.52±2.05 at night and the difference between these two time points was found to be statistically significant (p<0.0001). Average IOP values were measured as 16.04±2.82 mmHg in males and 17.15±2.23 mmHg in females with a statistically significant (p<0.05=0.023) difference between them. Average IOP values were 16.81±2.85 mmHg in right eyes and 16.37±2.23 mmHg in left eyes and the difference between these values were statistically insignificant (p>0.05). At the end of study, overall average IOP in all calves was measured as 16.59±2.59 mmHg. The present data showed a significant difference in terms of sex and diurnal variations and a non-significant difference in eye-side. In addition, this study is the first research article in which the intraocular pressure in calves was measured by Tono-Pen Vet®.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Kulualp
S. Kilic
O. Aytekin


Cognitive linguistics studies language as a reflection of human mind. Many cases of concept-formation are based on metaphor. Though most of the analyses point out to the presence of metaphor in natural languages, also sign languages involve this conceptual mechanism. Comparative analysis of linguistic expressions and signs for such fundamental concepts as time, support, illness, and others, proves that they reflect the same conceptual metaphors. This, in turn, supports the Generalisation Commitment and the Cognitive Commitment as fundamental hypotheses of cognitive linguistics.
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Krzysztof Kosecki


Bragg scattering of waves propagating in a periodically disturbed substrate is widely applied in optics and micro-acoustic systems. Here, it is studied for Rayleigh waves propagating on a periodically grooved elastic substrate. Practically applied groove depth in the Bragg grating reflectors does not exceed a few percent of the Rayleigh wavelength. Here, the analysis is carried out for periodic grooves of larger depth by applying the elastic plate model for the groove walls. The computed results show that the surface wave existence and reflection depends strongly on both the groove depth and period, and that there are limited domains of both for practical applications, primarily in comb transducers of surface waves.

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Eugeniusz Danicki


The role of slag in the process of continuous casting of steel (CCS) is reduced to the thermal and chemical insulation of the liquid steel surface, and additionally to refining. The ability to adsorb non-metallic inclusions flowing off from the crystallizer, mainly Al2O3, determines its physicochemical properties. As a result of adsorption and dissolution of inclusions tin he liquid layer the viscosity and thickness of mould flux change, which eventually affects the technological parameters and behavior of slag in the crystallizer. The influence of aluminum oxide on the viscosity of slag was empirically investigated with a structural viscosity model worked out by Nakamoto. The results of the simulation are presented in the form of plots. Authors observed a significant influence of Al2O3 on the slag viscosity, which suggests that this effect should be taken into account when selecting chemical composition of mould flux for definite types of steel. The results of calculations also show that the disturbances in casting caused by the use of the mould slag may be connected with the content of non-metallic inclusions in steel.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D. Kalisz
K. Kuglin


Postępowanie polubowne (arbitraż) cechuje zwykle większa swoboda, odformalizowanie oraz przyjęcie zasad wybranych przez strony. Regulaminy międzynarodowych instytucji arbitrażowych zawierają krótkie, chociaż wyczerpujące regulacje, mieszczące się średnio w czterdziestu paragrafach tekstu. Jak zatem zareagować, gdy w spokojnie przebiegające postępowania arbitrażowe wkrada się wojna? Doświadczenia wojenne były i w dużym zakresie są oszczędzone naszym prawnikom od około 80 laty. Jak postępować w arbi-trażu międzynarodowym, jeżeli jesteśmy arbitrem w sporze toczącym się w jednym z wojujących państw? Autor niniejszego artykułu postara się udzielić kilku wskazówek na podstawie własnych doświadczeń nabytych od czasu rozpoczęcia działań wojennych wiążących aż trzech naszych sąsiadów: Białoruś, Rosję i Ukrainę.
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Piotr Nowaczyk

  1. międzynarodowy arbiter


Malakoplakia is regarded as a chronic granulomatous infl ammatory disease with a good prognosis. It usually aff ects the urinary system, especially the urinary bladder. Bacterial infections, including E. coli are thought to be the main factor in pathogenesis. It frequently coexists with chronic diseases and immunosuppression state. Histopathological examination of aff ected tissue samples is thought to be the best diagnostic method. Th e basic microscopic feature is mixed infl ammatory infi ltration containing foamy histiocytes known as von Hansemann cells, frequently with basophilic inclusions known as Michaelis-Gutmann bodies. Symptoms and the clinical course of malakoplakia depend on location and the extent of the lesions. Th e lesion is treated successfully with antibiotic therapy and surgical excision.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Cięszczyk
Michał Puderecki
Lech Wronecki
Franciszek Burdan
Justyna Szumiło

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