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Balconies are elements of some multi-storey buildings. Thermo-insulated fasteners are components that connect balcony slabs with the building structure. Their main task is the transfer of loads in connections of balcony slabs with the building while also minimizing thermal bridges. The article presents analytical calculations performed to develop the new type of thermal insulated fasteners and to determine their load-bearing capacity. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that analytical calculations based on commonly utilized principles of reinforced concrete and steel structure operation along enable the development of the effective design algorithm of insulated fasteners and allow for a quick analysis of various geometric variants of these fasteners. The article presents the adaptation of typical algorithms for calculation of steel and reinforced concrete structures for the analysis of non-typical load-bearing capacity states that occur during the calculation of insulated fasteners. The load-bearing capacities of individual fasteners are shown in M-V interaction diagrams (bending moment – shearing force).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Janiak

  1. Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Al. prof. S. Kaliskiego 7, 85-796 Bydgoszcz, Poland


The article reconstructs the history of the Italian retranslation of Thomas Mann’s Joseph und seine Brüder. Although Mondadori already published the work (four volumes from 1933 to 1948), shortly after the death of the first translator, the retranslation of the entire tetralogy was commissioned. Based on the letters between the publisher, the author and the new translator, the paper tries to shed light on an unusual case of retranslation, where the rules that generally determine its necessity do not seem to be applicable.
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Natascia Barrale

  1. Università degli Studi di Palermo


This study describes the seasonal and annual changes in the diet of non-breeding male Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) through the analysis of faeces collected on shore during four summer seasons (1993/94-1996/97) in the area of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetlands). Krill was the most frequent prey, found in 88.3% of the 473 samples. Fish was present in 84.7% of the samples, cephalopods and penguins in 12.5% each. Of the 3832 isolated otoliths, 3737 were identified as belonging to 17 fish species. The most numerous species were: Gymnoscopelus nicholsi, Electrona antarctica , Chionodraco rastrospinosus, Pleuragramma antarcticum, and Notolepis coatsi. In January, almost exclusively, were taken pelagic Myctophidae constituting up to 90% of the total consumed fish biomass. However, in February and March, the number of bentho-pelagic Channichthyidae and Nototheniidae as well as pelagic Paralepididae increased significantly, up to 45% of the biomass. In April the biomass of Myctophidae increased again. The frequency of squid and penguin occurrence was similar and low, but considering the greater individual body mass of penguins, their role as a food item may be much greater. In March and April, penguins could be as important prey item as fish. The amount of krill in the diet of Antarctic fur seals declined with a concomitant decrease in the mature krill availability. This appears to have been compensated by an increased frequency of the fur seal to eat fish and penguins.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Ciaputa
Jacek Siciński


Podziemna eksploatacja górnicza wywołuje w górotworze zmiany pól przemieszczeń i naprężeń. W przypadku prowadzenia podziemnej eksploatacji w pobliżu zbiorników odpadów poflotacyjnych niezmiernie ważne jest wyznaczenie zakresu osiadania górotworu pod fundamentami podstawy zapór ziemnych otaczających te zbiorniki. Dokładność rozwiązania MES jest głównie zależna od jakości danych geomechanicznych charakteryzujących poszczególne geologiczne warstwy górotworu oraz regiony górotworu, w których prowadzona jest eksploatacja. Jeżeli wartości osiadań na powierzchni obliczone przy zastosowaniu MES i pomierzone niwelacją geodezyjną nie są zgodne, wtedy wartości modułów Younga charakteryzujących regiony eksploatacji są korygowane. W niniejszym artykule została przedstawiona opracowana metoda analizy MES deformacji górotworu dla kopalni podziemnej w celu określenia wpływu eksploatacji górniczej na przemieszczenia powierzchni terenu w rejonie filara ochronnego zapory zachodniej zbiornika odpadów poflotacyjnych (Obiektu Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów Wydobywczych – OUOW) Żelazny Most. W badanym obszarze prowadzona była eksploatacja górnicza systemem komorowo-filarowym z ugięciem stropu (R-UO) w latach 2008–2016 oraz planowana jest podobna na lata 2017–2019 systemem komorowo-filarowym z podsadzką hydrauliczną ze względu na zwiększenie miąższości złoża.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Warchała
Anna Szostak-Chrzanowski
Paweł Stefanek


The year 1933, which marked the 15th anniversary of Polish independence, also saw the celebrations of the 400th birthday of Stefan Batory and the 250th anniversary of the Relief of Vienna led by King Jan III Sobieski. Both events allowed for a wide campaign of propaganda for the Sanation movement’s updated political programme, clad in historical analogies, especially in the context of Eastern policy. For this reason, the ceremonies organized in the Borderlands, a particular lieux de mémoire associated with great kings, who were seen in official historical politics as natural harbingers of Józef Piłsudski, took on a special character. This provided an excellent opportunity for the propaganda of the Polish civilizing mission in the East and the promotion of the idea of Poland as a superpower. The main ceremonies commemorating Stefan Batory were organized in Grodno, where the monarch died in the historic castle in 1586. These celebrations, broadcast by radio and widely reported by the press, were attended by President Ignacy Mościcki and many national and local dignitaries, ministers, senators, deputies, voivodes, bishops, generals etc. Lavish occasional decorations, saturated with specific symbolism, were set up as modernized late 16th-century architectural stylizations. The activities of the Grodno Castle reconstruction committee were officially inaugurated on the 350th anniversary of Batory’s death. Even more magnificent were the two-day festivities commemorating the Victory at Vienna organized in Olesko, which overshadowed the central celebrations in Kraków. The programme of the ceremony proclaimed that “a deed of European importance – by King Jan III and the then-superpower Poland – must be reflected by a programme of celebrations of its 250-year anniversary on a superpower scale”. An extensive open-air spectacle was organized with the participation of thousands of extras, including soldiers in historical costumes, several hundred fire brigades, scouts and aviation squadrons. Particularly spectacular was the especially arranged musical performance combined with night illuminations. These celebrations were enhanced by other accompanying events such as the Star Automobile and Motorcycle Rally and the sightseeing rally On the Trail of Sobieski. In other Borderland towns such as Tarnopol the jubilee was celebrated on a smaller scale, where a number of outdoor events were organized under the umbrella name Harvest Festival of King Jan III and the Arrival of the Austrian Emperor’s Legation with a Request for the Relief of Vienna.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Zgliński

  1. Instytut Sztuki PAN


According to metrological guidelines and specific legal requirements, every smart electronic electricity meter has to be constantly verified after pre-defined regular time intervals. The problem is that in most cases these pre-defined time intervals are based on some previous experience or empirical knowledge and rarely on scientifically sound data. Since the verification itself is a costly procedure it would be advantageous to put more effort into defining the required verification periods. Therefore, a fixed verification interval, recommended by various internal documents, standardised evaluation procedures and national legislation, could be technically and scientifically more justified and consequently more appropriate and trustworthy for the end user. This paper describes an experiment to determine the effect of alternating temperature and humidity and constant high current on a smart electronic electricity meter’s measurement accuracy. Based on an analysis of these effects it is proposed that the current fixed verification interval could be revised, taking into account also different climatic influence. The findings of this work could influence a new standardized procedure in respect of a meter’s verification interval.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Blaž Radej
Janko Drnovšek
Gaber Begeš
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Osiedla mieszkaniowe 2 połowy XX wieku niosą w sobie znaczący potencjał wynikający z ich całościowego założenia urbanistycznego, którego podwalinę stanowiła myśl modernistyczna. Układ urbanistyczny wraz z zasadami kompozycji w dużym stopniu stanowią o ich charakterze i tożsamości, a także decydują o sposobie funkcjonowania. Celem artykułu jest omówienie uwarunkowań przeobrażeń takich osiedli oraz zagrożeń dewastacji ich układów urbanistycznych, jakie te przekształcenia za sobą pociągają. Dokonano tego poprzez odniesienie się do wybranych osiedli krakowskich. Przedstawiono również dobre praktyki na przykładzie osiedli niemieckich, w których przeobrażenia te są skutkiem kompleksowego i całościowego podejścia prowadzącego do wydobycia i wzmocnienia walorów osiedli, a eliminacji elementów, które stanowiły o ich słabości. W pracy zastosowano metodę krytyczną i porównawczą prowadzącą do wyników badań stanowiących treść niniejszego artykułu.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Eliza Szczerek

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture

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